World War-Alliances and Scenarios


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Does anyone on this world actually care what this guy has to say? Judging by how his information is getting more and more inaccurate by the day, he's either not got any actual sources anymore, or the sources he does have are deliberately misleading him - presumably because it's hilarious to watch. Sam still thinks he can be the puppet master of 112; does he not remember how that went the last time he tried?


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keep up the backstabbing Cicada, Backstab Warpigs, Backstab Munch and Backstab run

I think your the Backstab masters of this world


Your tribe is stupid if you keep telling the world that you didn't do all those BACKSTABBING, So Much greed so you backstab those who help you

No tribe have won a world with so much BackStabbing, With this Much BACKSTABBING by CICADA world with judge you as greedy CICADA puppet masters

Btw Dawolf and OMAR, if you really think that my post are irrelevant why keep on replying, this only proves that your plans have already been discovered all the lies you make, all the fools you create and all the greed you wan't to partake


Imagine a tribe that can't defeat Jheeez, sought the help of Munch and Run giving them victory against Jheeez and how CICADA repay them by blaming them

of course by BACKSTABBING THEM , Cicada wasn't satisfied with a thousand villas, Munch and Run just took around 100 villas and what , they told the world that Munch and RUn tooks so many JHEEEZ villas? If thats not not greed then I dont know what to call it
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:oops: Mr. Hustle.... Relax....! It's just a game!!!!!! o_O
I am relaxed

as this is the PNP , i could only say one thing regarding CICADA tribe Backstabber

Stop using other tribes CICADA, Ive heard that someone from your tribe is talking to Crunch regarding a ceasefire are you Planning to attack SINTM


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With the world at war only 5 main tribes remain.


Cicada been busy behind the scenes and asking other tribes to join forces with them, with promises of gold, wealth, prestige and power , they even offered milk and honeys, also chocolates , Pms on the other hand offered technology and information, they offered robots and machines to SINTM in order to further their advancement. Crunch in crunch time is performing well with consolidating everything, this might surprise the world with their overwhelming influence over everything Crunch size will explode in the coming days...


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Actually 142 vs 195 million. Not sure who Loti are, and why you decided to add PMS? And where is YonkiS?

But I get your point, you are indeed very skilled warriors.

Frying Pan Warrior

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Over a 15 day period it would appear that team SINTM-CdF!-Cicada are nobling an average of 2 and 1/3 villages per day. Whether or not nobling 1/3 of a village equates to catting it down is up to speculation.


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Well thanks to DO for fixing up the war stats, quite evened out now. ( :

View attachment 6418

Wow just passing by.

DO really sold out to the mind games.

Once a turn coat always a turncoat I guess.

Not that these stats count I guess but a walk over so far. Since a lot of the DO caps I guess are 'recaps' in the grand scheme of things.

Come on BYOB keep up the good work

Side 1:
Tribes: BYOB
Side 2:
Tribes: SINTM, CdF!

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 943
Side 2: 699
Difference: 244


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 8,695,477
Side 2: 6,321,114
Difference: 2,374,363



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Scenarios right now are all about recruitment from enemy tribes, moves like these will either backfire or work.

What motivates these kinds of moves?
1. satisfaction
2. misunderstanding
3. trust

all human traits that can be manipulated these are faces of the game that have been used, abused since the start of tribal wars.

While damage has been done its all about how strong a foundation a tribe is. Move on Pick the next target and keep on attacking.

Happy New Year world 112 family!!! May your family be happy and rich this year!!!

Frying Pan Warrior

Still Going Strong
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There is now a sizable lead by the west and the north. Can they keep up this newly found flare? How will this morale affect SINTM-Cicada? The SINTM-Cicada alliance now lag on a combination of total size, total conquers, and total conquers against the other side. Is there anything they still lead in?
