xxstealthyxx Office!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser84793
  • Start date


Greetings to all TW players...

I have decided to create this new thread for any and all reason's to post you're comment here towards me. I also like to say if anyone wants to join my crew in game...just drop me a message in game. Im always looking for great team work and fair play.:icon_cool:

To all my haters out their...This is also for your entertainment to continue to talk trash! Make It Fun!:icon_rolleyes:
I do understand their is some who completely hates me here..I understand. I get it. But the thing about this is...You'll never get rid of me...My only name i have on TW Will Remain until TW closes it's doors.

My new strategy is simple...Try to be more professional in TW play. From this point on..I'm my own duke! And i will continue to build a pro-team and give TW hell on the field of play. This new office will be a public door to address me or my crew.

My door is always open...Contact me in game for allies deals,recruitment..Or for intel. I hope this new beginning will be the best yet to come! I look forward to play this awesome game with you all...

All the best!:icon_biggrin:


You already seem to get a lot of attention so why are you creating a thread begging for more?


My question to you is why do people not like you i legit dont know, you eat babies?


Forum Personality 2019
Reaction score
I think we can have fun here Stealth :lol:



You'd have expected him to spell and grammar check his opening thread.

There's a mistake 20 words in...



You already seem to get a lot of attention so why are you creating a thread begging for more?

Not for attention...if anyone is looking for attention is the one who mention it first don't ya think? Now sit down!:icon_twisted:


I am a person who certainly does not use these forums for attention, which you could tell if you took the time to look at my posts. I rarely comment and I made that comment because quite frankly I'm getting bored of you spewing shit on the forum as well as quite a few others. I guess I miss the days when the forum posts made were actually intriguing and not just mindless bickering and pointless posts like this.


I am a person who certainly does not use these forums for attention, which you could tell if you took the time to look at my posts. I rarely comment and I made that comment because quite frankly I'm getting bored of you spewing shit on the forum as well as quite a few others. I guess I miss the days when the forum posts made were actually intriguing and not just mindless bickering and pointless posts like this.

To bad you see it this way..perhaps you should just go back and not posting at all...but then again you're welcome TW yet again i make a player who rarely post and gets so excited to write little old me...lol I would say that's a victory on it's own! don't ya think?
Me...1 You...0 :icon_twisted:

I am beginning to think you are Shahyd.

Nope Just Me!:icon_cool:


Why is your name stealthy but then you post more than anyone else on the forums, thats not very stealthy-like. Bro.


Why is your name stealthy but then you post more than anyone else on the forums, thats not very stealthy-like. Bro.

New to the world and yet he tries to flame Stealthy...

AND probably wishes he has my name :icon_biggrin:


Why is your name stealthy but then you post more than anyone else on the forums, thats not very stealthy-like. Bro.

well this is a forum..that's what its for is to post things..Don't get pissy at me because i'm more active in game and the externals!!!!
I got a easy one for ya..read and be entertained...or simply don't look into this thread..lol how simple can it be? you need instructions my friend?


well this is a forum..that's what its for is to post things..Don't get pissy at me because i'm more active in game and the externals!!!!
I got a easy one for ya..read and be entertained...or simply don't look into this thread..lol how simple can it be? you need instructions my friend?

Aye why you comin at me like that I just asked you a question fam