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  • Thread starter DeletedUser84793
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xDaemon - sorry, I'm just not getting back in there, all I can say is you still have no idea what kind of player I am, but as I'm not going to put it out there, we can call my argument invalid, and count this as a win for you, I couldn't care less. (2 days for answer though, even on exam times I don't take that long)

About stelthy, well if your reading this, then that means you don't even run your own office, so what good are you really then? :lol:

To Nemesis - Honestly I haven't seen you lead in previous worlds, most likely we have never crossed really, as I know you have never run a top tribe where I play (before STD), all that being told - I do hope to see you succeed! For a long time now, this world is less about me being on top, but rather seeing how others do it, and the more grate tactics I see and can learn from the more I can grow as individual, so your style of play is something I'm following, looking in to, and analyzing.

Again the term "World winner" come up, sorry but this time I will be direct and say your won worlds mean sh*t to me, the fact that players put it out there like some big achievement is pathetic (for me), and I say so because for some reason they are dwelling on the past and telling everyone how grate they once where, but that implies that they are not as good now, at least from there own perspective, that is formal logic 101. I really have never had to point this out to any other world winners because they just don't mention it in every post they make, maybe because of respect to themselves, or just because they know that it is not a big deal, well maybe we come from different TW communities, so I could be wrong because of different principles under reasoning. I just wanted to kindly ask not to openly dwell on your past, but as mentioned before - everyone can do what ever they like on externals.

Regarding dwelling on past, once I made a TW players hand book (sadly it is long gone), and it was my tribes law, it started from small things like climes politics and how to resolve any dispute there could be (at the time), we had a strong morale codex too, maybe it is time for Old tribalwars players to make one together and start using it, as we all know there comes a point in any society where rules need to be set out so everyone could play by moral principles, and by doing so molding tribalwars as we see fit.

Things that could be in this morale or law book (or what ever you call it):

What players can and can't do, for example when entrusted by other player by sett as account sitter you play only by his interests, this is something we all can agree, but still there are players that just don't follow it, and use this trust for own gain, and that just makes tribalwars community a place people see as dirty and corrupt. Because of thees feelings, from new and old players, we as tribalwars community are losing people, every world we join is smaller and more corrupt, making it pane-full to play, at this point all the old players should really have a good fight in game, but think about how we can save the game we love and have grown up with, if we want others to have the same kind of experience we once had. So maybe working together for that goal is not a bad idea...

This is actually what I see as my goal when playing TW, to build my surrounding in joy and harmony, we can fight, as that is part of the game, but when we do we don't have to turn in pricks and make it pane-full for everyone as this is a game that should bring joy, isn't it? Actually I bet everyone who is here have at least once had a good talk with player they are attacking or being attacked by, and thees conversations are grate. For example at the start I took out an old timer and he made me bleed, sniped, back-timed, got a long distance stack, but that was what I love about this game - not hording village senselessly but to get them in fight that brings smile in my face and my adversary's.


I don't think you understand particularly well what I mean by world winning tribes. Of course winning a world itself is not of any real significance as I have said previously, it is creating a quality tribe with the ability to win a world that is important. I'm assessing that quality. You could also call it the best tribe in that particular world, though I have to acknowledge that there are different ways of a tribe succeeding and that you can be the most successful tribe on a world without being the best in terms of one versus one ability.

It is at this point, because I'm sure the above paragraph will also be misunderstood, that I need to make an intervention for the sake of the public forums.

To be quite honest Kekua, having a debate with you is like having a conversation with a goldfish. The problem is you seem to forget what you wrote in your last post by the time you started your response. This is quite frustrating for people having to respond to you, as well as misleading for the casual reader of the forums and it is getting to the point now where I have to actually step in and say enough is enough because as hilariously ironic it is that you call others bad posters and then seem unable to comprehend something as basic as context, it stops being funny after the first few times.

Take for example, your insinuation that I think winning worlds is some big achievement and am full of myself. Lets look where that started. From your posts, most people would assume I was bragging about winning past worlds. Strange though that it in fact started with an offhand comment from you:

Kekua said:
Another thing you present is your player deep understanding about game, and they even proudly call them self "world winers" (achieved by means you despise, which makes a little inner conflict?). (correct me if I'm wrong though)

To which I corrected you:

The Nemesis123 said:
What people did in previous worlds is of no real consequence to me. I've also won multiple worlds, a few of which have been by means that I disagree with personally. Part of being a good tribemate is adapting to a tribal atmosphere and leadership even if the tribe itself does not perfectly align with your philosophy.

I even say right there, what people do in previous worlds doesn't matter. If it doesn't affect the outcome of this world, then it is meaningless. To which you respond:

Kekua said:
And the world winning thing is really nothing to be particularly proud of in general

The obvious question is, where was I proud of it? You can see this same thread again in the above post. I just have to assume that Kekua wakes up in the morning, sees his own posts and can't be arsed reading them and just reads mine. To be honest, I can't blame him.

Now I could going on and on, but to be straight to the point, I am not the one bringing this up, I have no interest in talking about my world wins. I am simply responding to you. I am sorry to everyone that I had to actually go through this, it's a bit embarrassing really and there are plenty of reasons that I am full of myself. This is just not one of them.

About the rest of your post, there was actually a movement against family tribes in the early worlds called Freeekism where family tribes were attacked and derided publicly and ingame, which was largely responsible for the fall of family tribes as the dominant type of tribe and the attitude towards families during what I would argue was the golden age of tribal wars, though family tribes are now in a resurgence. Whilst I disagree with Freeekism as a general movement, I think family tribes are the optimal form of tribe that very few leaders have the capability to pull off, it did show that it was possible to shape Tribal Wars from the forums.

That said, the game is too far gone to actually implement something and get a player base back. I do hope you put players who become duke of a tribe with bad intentions, abandon that tribe's allies and merge a small group of players into the enemy tribe and leave the rest of the tribe out to dry into that moral codex though. Stuff like that just ruins the fun of the game for everyone.
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I'm attacking the use of world winners as such, and you saying you are one, even if you point out that it doesn't mean anything to you, is still point it out, so by no means I was wrong, in there, maybe it seams so from your perspective as you did point out that there is nothing to brag about, while actually bragging again (from my perspective that is). - Telling this as answer to your attempt of saying I come in to contradictions with myself.

I do admit I don't reread all the posts, as I mostly check on forums when I'm at work, and really have no time or desire to read trough mostly boring stuff, sorry if sometimes I repeat myself or bring back old news, I try not to do it, but that could happen!

about this reference

"That said, the game is too far gone to actually implement something and get a player base back. I do hope you put players who become duke of a tribe with bad intentions, abandon that tribe's allies and merge a small group of players into the enemy tribe and leave the rest of the tribe out to dry into that moral codex though. Stuff like that just ruins the fun of the game for everyone."

That is why the moral codex should be in place, but I'm not a tyrant duke, and as I mentioned in mail, I never stood alone in any of it, and actually did it to help players in there, my intentions maybe where not strictly good per se, but they where not to harm the tribe, but rather horde the best they have and make them my allays, fast and easy, witch I did. And about the rest of it, like ending alliances and dismissing players, I don't feel responsible or bad for it, as that had to be done. No matter the intentions I would done it any how, as alliances where useless for AOW and rather one sided, as our "war partners" never really helped us, or share any info, even when I asked to do it, and asked for coordination, actually against RAGE, to see if they are real allays, and they, as expected, where not.

About players that I dismissed - inactive, bad players (didn't answer mails, commands, or anything else, just there to hide in lines), or, and I didn't like it, players that we sadly could not help as a tribe, I actually talked with players that where dismissed and most of them even don't keep any kind of grudge over it, and understand why I did it, I did send mails around asking to contact me and talk with me before too, so as much as you would like to pin some sh*t on me, I don't think I really deserve it, and even if you try to turn it, I for my self thing that I did what I had to do, and will not even entertain this topic with deeper explanations, and definetly not to you, maybe to someone I dismissed, maybe to Kapo, but you got nothing to do with it, and I would politely ask not to use it as populism for yourself.



English isn't Kekua's first language although it seems he has a very good grasp on it, better than some English people I've met I must say.

To semi-quarter skimmed readers like myself who usually reads the last two posts before commenting who relies on accurate quotes, it pretty much looks to me that you both share the same philosophies in regards to bragging on self achievements just worded differently.

Although I must contest the part of your post where you dispute a point of proudness on winning a world as a leader, you are not happy with this achievement? I think putting a number of years into a game, into a tribe with an uncertain outcome and coming out on top does deserve self recognition and you should be proud. I think it's a poor choice to specifically defend this aspect of an argument.


To be quite honest Kekua, having a debate with you is like having a conversation with a goldfish. The problem is you seem to forget what you wrote in your last post by the time you started your response.

Tbf fish have a longer attention span than the modern human in 2016, and quite an impressive memory for what we deem to be such unintelligent creatures.

Figure we may as well all learn something from these forums.


@Humptydumpty: I was just using something that people would get onto straight away. I'd have said memory of a human, but it doesn't quite fit.

@Roman01: Nope, I am not proud of winning a world. I am proud of creating and leading great tribes, sometimes we happened to win the world. Similarly I am proud to be part of great tribes, whether they won the world or not. Winning itself is not particularly important, it is the journey that is. I've been part of crap tribes that have won worlds who just happened to be there at the end, I am not proud of being in them.

@Kekua: Lets be honest here, since you brought it up, I naturally referenced it in my response. To turn around and call that bragging is pretty cheap and only works with no context.

Not really going to get into what I think of your actions, only that my opinion pretty much aligns with the one given by Puppet in the interview with Ike and I don't buy anything that you are saying. If I was in your position and did not have the intention to lead that tribe to win the world, I would have respectfully refused. Different ways of playing the game I suppose. The last thing I will say on the matter is that there was no attempt to arrange K45 guys to get into STD if they did not get into Rage. That shows me enough how much you cared.
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If Kekua wanted to save AoW, he should have just fought Rage. It is really showing when only three non-nM players (the tribe Kekua was from) join the Rage family from a family tribe that previously had over 60-70 members even before that merger with nM. Those players weren't in AoW for long either, only four days.

Wasn't the PTG alliance the best thing AoW had going for them, someone who took Rage and PR fire away from them and fought on the same side. Surely what you did was only a move that would be done if you were planning on backstabbing your own tribe at the start.

I suppose Kekua tried though :lol:.
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@Roman01: Nope, I am not proud of winning a world. I am proud of creating and leading great tribes, sometimes we happened to win the world. Similarly I am proud to be part of great tribes, whether they won the world or not. Winning itself is not particularly important, it is the journey that is. I've been part of crap tribes that have won worlds who just happened to be there at the end, I am not proud of being in them.

okay lovely cheers for clearing that up (sun)

Mr. Cringer Pants

A few interesting facts about goldfish:

  • Goldfish can recognise people’s faces!
  • Goldfish don’t have stomachs!
  • Goldfish have a memory-span of at least three months!
  • Goldfish can’t close their eyes!
  • Goldfish can see more colors than humans can!
  • Goldfish don’t urinate!
  • Touching a goldfish can endanger its health!