thank you elmoo, for posting this when i could not....
well folks i'm back once again from a 10 day vacation...i want to thank jirki again for helping me learn the rules here...he is and always shall be, the best here on TW...i have no hard feelings what so ever...i like jirki, he keeps things real and he is a fair guy here...I will try my best to do better....lets
anyways on to some news...i think the world is getting more interesting by the me i think w100 will be so much fun in the next few weeks ahead. so many good players,tribes to contend almost has a feeling to me of w41...
Who do i think will be in the end game...wont be ALessonInPointWhoring i can tell you that much! had to rub it in their bud! its a learning game and now you know!

enjoy the loss!
anyways moving on...wait did i mention that i said i will have ALessonInPointWhoring nobled and killed off this world? i did didnt i? no really im moving on now....
I think some of the great players who ever played this game will enjoy world has the feel of the days of old...k45 is looking amazing and will definitely be exciting to see who will rule k45..not to mention the other k's of the god so many players to kill tribes to beat..its gonna get crazy for everyone....
I wanted to say good luck to everyone..and let you know im back..this time i will try my best not to break the good luck to all...and as always if you need anything just message willing to help if i can, and i always look forward to answering some more useless mail...

stay focus,be active...and should never sleep when you got xxstealthyxx "The Real Apex Predator" on your case! Food for thought my's nothing personal..but it sure was fun!

Restart and lets do it again..then we can start to call you ALessonInRestarting or HolyCowStealthyKilledMeAgain....
