Yarr Vs Badgers


The tribe is now at war with Honey Badgers!

War name: Time for War

Reason for breaking the NAP:

You are allied with Wobble,
You are planning to hit us, along with Wobble.
You are at war with our ally, TON.
You tried to recruit from out ally, TB!.

All in all, a poor show from an NAP and more than enough reason to end it.

Good day :)
Tedd (Eye of the Storm)

im not in any position of authority within the tribe but oh boy were going to war with the badgers. I will be the first to say i think this was handled poorly and haphazardly by the council.

Feel free to hate and flame me from both sides

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Didn't see this one coming. Anyone would think you have made a NAP with wobble :icon_rolleyes:


Side 1:
Tribes: Wobble
Side 2:
Tribes: Yarr

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 129
Side 2: 82
Difference: 47


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,185,740
Side 2: 750,169
Difference: 435,571


Nothing like picking up a second war when you're already losing a first. But hey maybe they'll win this war in stats because of a few former Honey Badger members selling out their tribe after HoneyB took them in when they shouldn't have.

Oh well.

P.S. TON was your ally? Dafuq? hahahaha
P.P.S. Please demonstrate one example of how we "attempted to recruit from your ally TB!." As far as I know, if we did that it would be breaking our NAP with them.
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To be fair... TB! tried to recruit from us too :p Eye for an eye?


It's all a load of bull. Yarr is just trying to take advantage of our split.


But hey maybe they'll win this war in stats because of a few former Honey Badger members selling out their tribe after HoneyB took them in when they shouldn't have.

I wouldn't be so quick to call us HoneyB members, and "taking in" cmon now. We're strictly TM, and we did others a favor. We didn't sell anyone out either, there's more to the story than has been told.


You shouldn't have been invited into Honey Badgers in the first place. Should have just taken care of you and Justin. You are poisons to any tribe you've ever been in.


You shouldn't have been invited into Honey Badgers in the first place. Should have just taken care of you and Justin. You are poisons to any tribe you've ever been in.

Who are you ingame? Pretty positive, we're just awesome and you're mad cause our team winning.


Finally we have more food to eat. I thought Leadership in Yarr was going downhill, but they pulled through for us this time. By listening to the members of TM we decided to attack without any warning of our NAP being broken.

Let's bring them hell guys


A long war, many lives lost... lest we forget the one hour war that rocked our worlds.