Wobble was going to invite HoneyB into war the end day of NAP with yarr for honeyB which would be the 31st. HoneyB was suppose to keep the alliance secret like Wobble seems to have done ,but once it was added someone got all happy go lucky and added them as allies and accepted noble planner right away.
Uh huh and your proof of this is where?
Hey I can second that HoneyB and Wobble are allied. I was there, dude. They were planning on attacking Yarr, lol.
Were you now? Prove it
/Pointlessly checks diplomacy list. Well, i guess someone in HoneyB's leadership got overzealous and upgraded our NAP to an alliance. Our relations has and continues to be an NAP. You can throw all these 'facts' at us, but at the end of the day Wobble's relations was an NAP. Though it seems HoneyB viewed it differently.
On topic: Umm go HoneyB!!
Exactly...see someone else who knows.