Your new blogger!


Good Day W49! I'm posting this thread here to let you all know that I am you new blogger had I hope to do you all proud. :) I should be posting a new blog every week, I will be putting the link to each blog in this post, so check back often! :icon_biggrin: Also, if you have any suggestions, questions or Constructive criticism then feel free to post it in this thread or drop me a PM. Expect your first Issue very soon!

Would you be able to sticky this for me Tags please? :)

It's The Final Countdown!
The War To End All Wars...
Fighting Here, Fighting There, Fighting Everywhere!
One Month On
War Update
Last edited by a moderator:


Will be looking forward to this, good luck with it Tom :icon_wink:


Congratulations on your new blog position :).

Tags, I'm sure won't mind. But I'mma sticky this and unsticky the blog ad.


Thank you Greenskin. :icon_biggrin:
Well, here is the first blog! I hope that you all enjoy it and that I've done you proud. :icon_redface:

It's The Final Countdown!
Constructive criticism and suggestions welcome.


Sorry for the double post, and sorry to be a pain people but I have edited in VMP's interview and spoilered them both. My reasoning behind this is stated in the blog but I will state it again here, I wish to concentrate the Second blog more on the war then on the DuesEx situation. Again sorry. :icon_redface:


welcome to the new job, hope you take soms job and do it will and keep it balanced as much as possible, and if you willwant a few tips on whats what let me know i can speak a bit after the war starts.

i really hopes this war gets the forums back to life, i even saw nathan complaining again so it was nice:icon_wink:


Welcome! Hopefully you are what was needed to bring this forum back to life!


A debates a debate, not sure where complaint comes into it though :)


english is a weird language hard to master when not your native tongue, i'm sure thats what he meant by the statement.


Stop hijacking mah thread! D:
Unless you wish to suggest something :p


Stop hijacking mah thread! D:
Unless you wish to suggest something :p

interview rich26ca about how it looks like from the inside of vln its an idea lol

and nathan idk you sometimes come too agressive at stuff, seems at times like your just not happy with the situation lol


Decided to check out the happenings on 49 after being away for a while and wow, so much has taken place!

Just read the blog, and i must say i'm really disappointed, and i'll post my thoughts....

first lol @ VMP claiming that BMF was going to be using DuesEx only for their defense. i personally organized a large inactive BMF account to be nobled by DuesEx so they could get a decent front with Deceit for the upcoming war. what a load of bs.

The members that joined deceit are gonna be used as a distraction. they practically suicided when they chose to change sides. But what do u expect, most of them are young guns who don't get what this game is really about. You can see from these interviews that the vets that really understand this game (Terrafutan - world 1 veteran) chose BMF, and the beginners VMP (most experience from 49) chose Deceit.

Now to get to deceit....

Stating the obvious, they broke the agreements by recruiting in our territory when from the beginning of this world we have always been truthful with each other and the agreement was always East vs. West in the end. When they finally felt that they didn't need to stick to our deal because they where in a good position they chose to deliver a low blow.

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. -James D. Miles

I guess they had no confidence in their skills. no honor!

But i'm guessing Deceit thought the "smart" thing to do is to gain the upper advantage, after all it is a strategic war game, and you should do whatever it takes to gain a strategic advantage and win! and normally i would agree, HOWEVER this is not a normal case since we have been truthful with each other since the beginning. I guess Deceit leadership failed to realize that,

Character is higher than intellect. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Enough of my drunken ramblings... All this doesn't matter because BMF will still whoop Deceit butt. :axemen::axemen:

happy gaming guys!!


i will explain it the most simple way i can, the agreements from the start of the nap and through out its holding was made between myself and gaggy, and another thing you should know is the agreement was made untill each of the leaders was in charge and here for the leading, BMF was without gaggy for a few months now, i respected the agreements fully and even tried getting vmp to work with BMF for over a month, those are the facts.

when agreements are made there are alot of small details that make all the differrence if gaggy(aka master) didnt feel you in with all the details in no way it is deceits fault, we have been more honorable with BMF till the time the nap was dropped, idk who said the sentense but being blind to facts doesnt take responsability from you, if bmf prefered not to see all the cards its not deceits fault, i will even say ignorance is bliss, i had a few dealings with you in the past leboy you know what im about.

and you guys need to remember deceit kept all agreements to when the nap will be dropped no attacks where lunched but nothing from the rest was agreed on, if you have any prove please bring it to me and i will admite my mistake but if you dont than stop talking about how unfair it was, cause in the end this game is just like a chess game and you didnt see this move coming.

about the ex DEUSEX guys that joined us, they knew they are taking a chance, but somehow they trusted being with us and being in a disadvantage for a while than following you, than maybe the problem is not in deceit actions but in BMF diplo skills that went down after gaggy has left the stage.

now lets focus on whats importent the war has only started


Kinda OT (Sorry Tom!):

Since Leboy's throwing some quotes around, figured I'd add my favourite one too.

Theodore Roosevelt said:
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Also, don't make sweeping generalizations about a tribe based on assumptions and your interpretation of actions. Just because some BMF players are/were quite inactive, I'm not going around and claiming that they were weak because they couldn't take on Thundr or finish them or anything. Because it would be wrong.

The leadership chose to get DeusEx on board. That was their call. For the rest of us, we're just fighting the war we've been waiting months for.