So firstly, congrats again to the tribe Ben on the win, the new crew really turned it around and did what Regime could not, so well played.
my story goes:
Joined Jammy shortly after Jake had joined the account. Jake was solo playing at the time and the account was in poor shape. At the time it had been pushed into K23. Things did not look too good for Regime at the time, but certainly looked a bit better than they had when I was originally asked to join Regime so i figured why not.
After a lot of reorganisation and rebuilding with Jake, Jammy was finally able to move. For about a year (i think) we had good success. One by one we picked off Dest players and made massive gains in the north and things looked up. This was probably the most fun I have had in TW since world 30. It was pretty back and forward and Jake and I enjoyed every minute. A couple players gave us stiff resistance, Te Moja being one of them i think but eventually we got through. I'm not sure if he quit, went on holiday but either way we got through and it was nice.
Anyway, year or so later, we were pretty low on nobles and due to lack of farming (and motivation to farm) jammy simply cleared for its neighbours or gifted away villages. In hindsight this was a big mistake, not only it made us lazy, but eventually we were left pretty far behind from the front and we lost the free reign we had.
it was about this stage i left due to uni exams, it was my final year so TW just got put to one side. Hate to admit it, but as I left I was abolsolutely sure we had done enough to win the world and I'd come back and push for a top 10 finish x_x
Anyway, end of exams, graduated with a first, partied a little and decided to come back to TW and found that we had not in fact won the world but Ben had turned it around. Logged into Jammy and saw names like Twisted, Leather and Latex etc and thought wtf is going on here? is this the right world? who the * are these guys? (hahahaha)
But yeah, things looked dire. I hopped over to WW who at the time was getting ploughed. WW was a tough account to play. I tried soloing it but Story, EST and co were pretty relentless. Any gains or progress I made during the day was lost during the night as sitters were increasingly harder to find. By the time players were found for nearby accounts and WW it was just simply too late for any offensive actions as the core accounts were shattered. Any offensive attempts i made from WW were squatted aside. aside from a few caps on EST success was minimum.
At this point i tried getting the jammy crew back together as it reminded me of the situation we originally found the account in. It would have been pretty awesome to do it all again but i was never able to.
This point i tried sitting accounts in the North until players were found but it was pretty hopeless and the die was cast.
Few months later we lose, i hit delete. world over for me
to finish up:
well it was fun and I'd like to think the players from both sides who made it so. w80 will go down as the last real Tribalwars world so i am glad to have been able to play a part in it. They just dont do worlds like they use to
congrats again to those who turned it around and those who stuck around and got the job done