Having boarded my ships and set sail for brighter shores known for real life art making. love making, good works and sunshine,,one of the shores where Axo people migrated as W45 was falling to the Omen Empire, i cruised along happily, ..
..then a storm shipwrecked my longship on the NW rim of this w50.
it would take at least a month to repair the damage and set off again,, but lo and behold,, cosmic coincidence revealed that one of my top generals and good friends,, known as Vordan, the green knight, was here, and right on the NW rim where fate had crashed my boat.
He was a Chief of the BaNaNas tribe, along with Martinius the minimal. and at his behest, i reluctantly joined their floundering tribe as a Baron and advisor.
Few knew that i was High Chief of all the AXO , the tribe that came in 2nd place to the Omen Empire on w45.. i alone managed to beat the odds of that old world, i was there from its early days, and was the only person outside of Omen to survive , leaving The Axo tribe at 2nd place, all this and i never changed tribes once. The Axo Chronicals of w45 in the old world thread tells a tribes story and of the legend that is The Axo, i invite you to check it out, some of the Bards stories are good to read, and i tried to tell it in a time line so those new can get the flavor and gain some insights into what living in a good TW tribe is like.
So, now in w50, i put my heart into it, but was straddled with a tribe where 90% of its members understood few of the basics, who generally avoided both war and the ennobling of other than Barbs, and had no proper training threads or diplomats .
very primitive.
There would only be one way to up the odds , apart from hyper training,,and that was merging and joining forces with the other tribes . A dreaded hard challenge avoided by many,, but erroneously so,, and had 2 or 3 key tribes joined the effort, we all would have had a chance that did not otherwise exist..
But they were either experienced snobs, or too inexperienced , their poor and weak status a testament to their quality,, barb ennoblers and spineless tribe hoppers and partially inactive participants who happily avoided forum reading or commenting.
riddled with ego driven bad leaders who cared much more for their petty Titles and little crowns than being part of a winning effort and bolstering the TW life of their people.
Still, i managed to accomplish the near impossible, and began to unify about 5 tribes into a new entity called The Omega Plan, for it was the final option for all outsiders of the top 4 tribes= ODA-Hermit-1984 & TOL. the final plan that had a shred of a chance.
We made 2 tribes in hopes to accommodate the merging of several tribes,, reducing the career noobs and slackers could come later,, its rather like building a tribe in reverse. But at this late stage of the world,, there was no other option.
Truly, Omega got itself a good base of motivated and worthy players, and a lively and smart council of chieftains, from gaining the few that are worthy as found in most any tribe,, even bad tribes of bad stats have a couple of fine members, held back by bad leadership,, now they had a chance to flourish,, but the merges were incomplete..
Part of the experiment of Omega was to not have a duke until all the dukes from the merged tribes got to know one another in the council, and the tribe bore witness to who seemed most talented and present on issues. then a vote would happen. after a minimum of 5 weeks. i did not want to have this role of high duke, and i did not expand my account to prove i was not motivated to the role. And was seeking a couple of good dukes to lead this Omega, meant to be the final resistance of the obvious empire.. the gathering of clans would need a vehicle,, i provided that, with 200 seats by way of a split tribe, with total share forum and one leadership council.
i acted as founder and steward, and prime advisor. then i reluctantly acted as duke, and hunted for the true dukes among us.
some TRA members joined, their very bad dukes Rafadyx and Hasan were mostly nonpresent , and never objected to merging on the 5 tribe allied forum where this was hatched and discussed , and where several key members of TRA who enthusiastically helped promote the Omega idea,, it was not until months of talk that Omega formed, and suddenly the TRA dukes took notice after seeing its members joining Omega.. they got mad and snotty, and blew merging k11 and k20 into a single, stronger entity.. very nauseatingly stupid in my view ,to endure and witness.
MiB 2 ,,hosts of the 4 tribe allied forum, in which its own members of activity voiced initial appreciation for the idea of an Omega Plan. had leaders who hesitated , urban warrior and his co chief were often unpresent, often apologized for being lax due to playing tw on cell phones,, ( c'mon, gimme a break,, Dukes should be ineligible to 'lead' a tribe from a phone.. seriously), and later actually invited (a 1984 crony,,) bulkster, (obvious at a casual glance ) into their tribe,, this account was soon sat by Smaxy Hippy herself, who had got wind of the Omega Plan and had to investigate,, now she had a direct view in the allied forum . Omega got founded and into the same allied forum,, still promoting the cuase. then guess what? ..Mib2 later invited her into their tribe again!!,, and we were all aghast,.. again, and posted on our forum for people to not speak on the allied forum.
Later, this omega forum post hurt Urban warriors feelings when he joined Omega, ( reluctantly, and was so worried for his crown,, knowing it would be hard to retain being aware of his own shortcomings) so he split before a week with a handful of mostly useless members and formed MIC.
it didn't help that 1984 declared war on Omega before it was even formed. Pre-intimmidated enough to make a preemptive strike at our noble effort to simply form a good tribe from the loners and hopeless tribes and their motivated people.. to become a reasonable competition to the empire sized superpowers.
L0L .. should have been involved in this concept, but eagleboy ,, or egoguy,, was proven an oversensitive hot head ego kid which i found early on to be useless.. and m3tz 313 was proving to be a bad duke, imposing secret tests on potential allies with deceitful messages..and messaged as a bland pokerfaced robot with a god complex thus preventing alliances to bond in meaningful and effective ways. so they went on to declare war on SOL, and he ended up turning on his own tribe and joined SOL. seems they ( SOL) didn't want him after awhile either,, lol.
SOL should have been involved in this union.. yet we hardly spoke with them.
Strong advantages would have been for TCOA to involve with us,, but birdy boy,, once friendly , seemed to gain a 'stick up his butt' at the suggestion of it, and later never returned to reasonable civility in manner. just beeched and complained and threatened about Omega members taking villes and barbs in k89.. waaaaahhh,,
as if he had a chance to grow and build??, even if he was sheltered by some hermit friends,, what an naive illusion . we had hefty positions in each others respective south and north rims. co work was an obvious and vital need.. tsk tsk.. if the TCOA of today had the omega mass that very nearly was,, i believe 1984 would be less one or two members, and that tribe would have been able to do much more than odds suggest.
The greatest idiocy prize goes to AchillesProdigy of Rambo and DBD for snobbing out of the merge idea , and worse , unwilling to be working together as allies.
Omega, even without TRA and MIC ,, had experience in its leadership, a willingness to make a duke of the dukes of merging tribes, a fine mass with position that would have wrapped over half the worlds rim,.,. If DBD, Rambo*( name changed), and TCOA,, along with all the original MIB2 , had joined in good spirit.
DBD allied,, thanks to the enigma that is Dippa , the lady no tribe would touch with attacks, even as 1984 took away 3 of her tribes, they never touched her for some reason,, maybe because she is so sweet and lovable . she is, of course.
anyways, DBD were snobs trolls and flamers on the allied forum from day one. Omega sent fakes & attacks at Orsio for them upon request.. then they rudely scoffed when we asked for a co operation at a single 1984 member or two,, they took in 3 refugees of our vile and problematic members who we dismissed as too noobish or immature to cope with. yet bragged of their superiority to Omega, who had bad point stats.. etc etc, you get the picture,, rude , snobby and snotty ones who dug their own grave through severe egoitus .
AchilesProdigy and his sidekick Back.to.black showed worse intellect and lack of game wisdom , for they couldnt even conceive of an allied forum advantage.
Thought they would make an academy tribe to support their motivation to become big and get invited into 1984 or ODA ( lol,, roflao..!! ) Achille told me these things when first we met long before circumstances had us leading these tribes . He was always planning to throw his so called academy under the bus, i find that disgraceful. but its not an unusual strategy for certain dishonorable types , and young teens of little self respect but too much ego. they thought to feed off of 1984 victims and rather than aid the final buffer between them and 1984 and ODA, they chose to initiate a petty war on Omega, signing their own death warrent. foolish.
With our neighbors of DBD and the Rambo people, north rim, northwest rim southwise to k20 then again holding k40 and some central chunks , along with participants from the far east rim adding to the west rim fights ,, we would have had enough people to have a normal tribe size worth of totally worthy people, along with a mass of hopeful and hopeless noobs and fodder more likely to join in fights for the honor of staying in a bigger and better tribe than they had ever known before. the potential was justified, the outcome,,, a self fulfilling prophecy for all those who snobbishly opted out of it due to not believing in it.
no prob.. the big Omega Plan also suffered from insubordination from within by a chieftain , Dedman , once duke of REN , who perplexed me endlessly in his bizarre opposition to anything i offered him, even when i offered him what he asked. As if he wanted me to leave or step down, but refused to take the wheel so that i could leave, saying he did not want leadership, but also saying he would like to be in the vote of leadership.. talk about duality.. his views and mails seemed to discontent a faction of members and ultimately sabotaged a last shot where we needed full tribe actions, but some bowed out of doing actions , because of this.
~Another crucial moment came when i opted to force the tribe into action,, because for the same old typical reason of ego and stupidity , AchillesProdigy and Back.to.black of our neighboring tribe was helping themselves to our semi-actives and warring against our members. while we were in an official war with 1984, this putz figured he would get in on their action and hope to impress them enough to win a seat in their tribe.. naturally abandoning his tribe and academy in the goal.
Our main 1984 opponents were 2 charming accounts,, wickedsweetone,, who i learned was not a wicked swee tone , but a wicked and sweet one.. and tho' in opposing tribes, our personalities seemed to groove ,generally in mutual respect. And there was Rowley, who was peopled by 2 or 3 sitters, and i began to sense fun loving reasonable potential and decent characters there as we exchanged some mail.
So i took a gamble, why not ask those two for a temporary cease fire,, to give us Omegans a few weeks to teach this badly named RAMBO tribe a lesson ,, attacking our back, while we acted as their buffer and fought the noble fight against 1984 was beyond tasteless, it was futile and ultimately suicidal.
,,,so if the 2 Dystopians agreed, i wanted to turn the full force of Omega and let the issue be settled by fisty cuffs, and see if their survivors would see the logic in joining us.
Only problem, Wicked and Rowley made it more complex to simply agree to not attack one another for 3 weeks or so. There had to be a contract, a treaty, they insisted,, with all kinds of stipulations that just set it up to fail. ''dont noble barbs in k20,", or k this and k that,, or take a village too close ( tho at this point we were well entwined and neighbored side by side in many areas.
And due to the 'ceasefire agreement' our Dedman led a poo poo campaign which influenced some members to boycott the war vs. RAMBO.. some of my members defied the no barbling in certain k's,, others were making that error because omega still had mal educated loners who couldn't handle reading the forum and comprehending their leaders instructions.
and wicked began yelling at me on one end , taking things personal, so it seemed, while some of my own members yelled at me on the other end for the 'unfair' agreement . Of course, all the Omegans had to do was fight as a tribe, and send-send-send --> fakes and attacks,, and defenses.. but with over 150 people in the tribe, the odds of total unity were nothing to count on,, in the end,, only less than 10 of us attacked the enemy.. a sorry turnout.. and any reason for me to stay beyond the end of this mini war became meaningless.
Real life had been neglected long enough, i have great challenges to deal with in RL.. harsher and harder than average,, and i stayed in w50 far longer than i expected,, i did all i could do, fed the tribe a vast amount of tw basic knowledge , and secrets,, gave a large amount of people of w50 an option and a chance that wont likely come again, we were a small tribe fighting a giant as its red dots, we formed with the goal to take on giants.. to become a giant,, and at least gain some 'negotiating' power.. it would have to evolve or fall without me,, sadly, i was overdue for a retirement phase,, i had just come from w45 after a long and often intense 'battle' and sort of win. for there i had met my goal of coming in 2nd place, as i knew early on , having joined over a month after that world began, to be in the winning tribe, i would have had to change tribes, and i fought for AXO as one would for their culture and family.. so 2nd would be fine.
i met my goal in w50 by creating an opportunity that did not exist before,,not my fault if people dont take whats given to use as advantage. it still exists for several of you , at least 16 of the top 20 tribes have sufficient worthy people to form a new superpower, or seriously change the face of the world, and make it a less predictable outcome. This is the endgame folks, merging and then attacking in mass is your only chance. you can get rid of the career noobs and the lame ,easy enough..be they in or out of your tribe,, whats stopping you? merge and war,, and turn some tides.