Your World Needs You!


Greetings W32,

Your world needs you! At this time W32 has no voice on the TW blog. I want to change that. I am looking for talented writers to apply for the blog staff position for this world. Time to represent! Any interested players should go here and follow the instructions for posting an application.

The blog staff is made up of a diverse group of players from all over the world and various backgrounds who all have a passion for TW and their world in particular. Come join us and represent your world the way it deserves.


Blog Admin


I've considered applying for this to be honest, but I have to wonder if w32 is active enough to warrant 500 words per week of info.

For a new world there is lots of stuff to chatter about, but for w32 right now I know I would be struggling to put together the required amount of words. There just isn't much happening any more.

If it wasn't for this I would be applying for sure :icon_cry:


You can spice it up with interviews and a flashback of the world each week, besides, you can be creative in other places like making quizzes or polls and asking personal opinions of the players. There are a lot of things to do to be honest. :)



To be honest there are many who have tried writing reviews, and posting them here, and with only about 8 people active in the forums, its' really not worth the effort for anyone.



To be honest there are many who have tried writing reviews, and posting them here, and with only about 8 people active in the forums, its' really not worth the effort for anyone.

agreed, but you would be a fine candidate.



Thank you, I will try and keep it... informative :icon_wink:

Sex ed 101?


I lol'd pretty hard at this lol. You're at your sharpest bobby ;D

I may not be the brightest button, but big purple things normally get my attention, and, he was NOT big bright and purple at the time :p