COMING vs Rogues


yeah? then just sthu and stop pretending you know things you have the minimum idea of it.

I had enough with COMING noobiness, big talks and when it came to actions i just slaughtered you ALONE.

And Stats dont tell everything? You were the ones that were bragging for the stats, you were the ones that were trying to humiliate me for mine against you in past, and now stats DONT COUNT?

I am rank 1 player
Rank 1 ODA
Rank 1 ODT

I was fighting alone the rank 2 tribe with many others with them attacking me, and now suddenly stats dont count?
The maximum hypocrisy here, the maximum noobiness, and the maximum trolling.

And in case you have not saw stats recently, are not like 30-25 to my favor
Are like this

Side 1:
Players: Allos?
Side 2:
Tribes: COMING
Players: jamster25, sir 50, sten444

Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 127
Side 2: 2
Difference: 125

OVER 100 Conquers against COMING in exactly 2 weeks.
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I never said stats dont count, I said they dont tell everything, so before you rant again on a post of mine, be sure to read what I actually posted. I'm not sure where you get the idea I'm pretending?? pretending what? Minimum idea? I've been following this world pretty closely since it opened. Congrats on your Rank 1's...but when you post your stats, Sir50 wasn't even in COMING when you nobled didnt even rim any guys in COMING that are actually you know, worth saying the name. Sten444 was in the tribe when you nobled him, but he was inactive...not using it as an excuse, just stating a fact.


Excuses, excuses and again excuses.

I rest my case here cause you are so blind and liar that i ll not even bother replying you again.

Make all the excuses you like to, but the actions are talking by themselves as we say in Greece.


I see you've run out of petty things to say and insults to throw out. Like I said, they aren't excuses, they're facts. And I even said specifically I wasn't using it as one. You didn't clarify what you were saying as far as me pretending and having a minimum idea...I know just as much, if not more, than you do about the sir50 and sten situation cause I have been chatting with both regularly via skype.

Take notice I haven't said anything about the WKOMGAHA guy or wth his name is, because those were legit...I know the others weren't. Oh well, still doesn't change the fact you never grew a pair when this war (Rogues vs COMING) was taking place and attacked anyone outside your own tribe..

Good day
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@Muk you guys knew what sir 50 was like before you recruited him and you still recruited him because he had flashy points. He has begged and stole villages since day dot you recruit him and then dismiss him for the same thing.

Your recruitment policy from rogues was made up of every yellow belly, coward you could get and now its shot you in the ass.

Blame yourselves not the game! (or allos?)

*EDIT* ADDED, most the best player had rather quit the world than join coming or static.
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@Banger, no kidding, lol. I wont even argue about sir50 being a complete nub. I'm just stating he gave away his villages

@Allos, once again, your distorting my post. Did I call you a liar? Second, I have no intent on trying to see your balls dude! Like, seriously? I'm not a flamer or a "hater" as you say, I just think you shouldn't brag about getting "OVER 100 Conquers against COMING in exactly 2 weeks." When most were from the inactives or gifted..
Now I dont know why your using your option A/B situation. How about what's more pussy? "Eating my own players and using war as an excuse but never attacking, or waiting for a tribe who no longer focuses on me or my tribe and take villages off players who don't focus on me?" 'Nuff Said.

I could go through my skype chats which would take me hours to find the IM's where sir50 said he was giving away his villages, and how Sten told me he was no longer interested in playing W53 because it wasn't fun and seemed more like a job for him than a game. But, I do not have Gimp/Paint/Photoshop to take a screenshot for you, as my laptop did not come with it already pre-installed. And we all know how you can change a Copy/Paste Skype IM to make it say whatever the hell you want..


And if they said it, it means they actually did it?
You know how many times i have killed a person that he even was saying to me he is giving me his villages AFTER i totally cleaned him?
And i have a chat with Sten444 just AFTER i started attacking him, flaming me and calling me names cause i did that.
Now if i pushed him harder to quit again this is NOT my problem but yours(COMING).

But from the point they cant put up a good fight, till the point i was been gifting their villages make HUGE difference.
Those conquers where total legit, i attacked them, i cleaned them, i nobled them and i dont freakin care what their, or YOUR excuses are.



Show some reports from your first few villages you took from sir50 to prove me wrong. If you do that, I'll kindly stop arguing what they told me themselves.


Why do either of you even care? He got the villages, does it matter if they were gifted or not? Are you going to say 'no' to free villages? Your just mad that sir50 gave his villages to an enemy and not his own tribe.... If he did actually gift them :icon_wink:


Show some reports from your first few villages you took from sir50 to prove me wrong. If you do that, I'll kindly stop arguing what they told me themselves.

Have you even the minimum idea how many reports i get every single day?

I ll give you a hint. Over 10k and that when i dont attack players.
You think i would ever keep reports of a player i killed like 10 days ago or more?

I keep the reports for as long as the player is there, when the job is done i delete them and move on.

And my friend is not me who should show proves here, you accused me and according to even RL Laws you should provide proves of your accusations and not me for my innocence.


Have you even the minimum idea how many reports i get every single day?

You think i would ever keep reports of a player i killed like 10 days ago or more?

i delete them and move on.

Lol, 'nuff said.


Manta, did someone put you a referee here?

PS nice maps in the other topic.


Not that i know of :)

But you both just sound stupid arguing about this, im just trying to help



Looks like someone has there knicknacks in a twist.? ...... shame on you. lol you know who you are R20. :icon_wink:


Maybe I should make a signature like PA had before.

"Number of times Allos? has since responded after saying he won't - 5"


maybe you should go away noob, or find an account and come fight me like people do, then you will shut it again.


Have you even the minimum idea how many reports i get every single day?

I ll give you a hint. Over 10k and that when i dont attack players.
You think i would ever keep reports of a player i killed like 10 days ago or more?

I keep the reports for as long as the player is there, when the job is done i delete them and move on.

And my friend is not me who should show proves here, you accused me and according to even RL Laws you should provide proves of your accusations and not me for my innocence.

That's where filtering reports come in handy :icon_cool: