Deep Dive into Internals [Part 1]


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Recently I've heard a lot of rumors of unhappiness in FLOW surrounding the division of internals.
Supposedly leadership is abusing their power to get more internals than others.
Let's dive into some numbers and see if there's merit to these rumors!

FLOW Overview

Top 10 FLOWY Overview

The current accounts with baron and above rights are split into two groups.
Chakra Mayjic
The Willow
Darkness Jordan

Midgame additions:
Junior Ashen

We can see a clear difference in approach from the two groups, the midgame additions have different priorities having a single internal between the two of them.

The annoyances have mainly been with the original three, from here on out referred to as leadership trio.
Let's dive into some more numbers.



Almost a 6 times increase in the amount of nobled internals, just because they have been leadership from the start?
It almost makes you wonder if they founded a tribe just to be able to abuse power for internals.
From what I've heard, the midgame additions are responsible for op planning and overall direction, yet don't have their focus on internals whatsoever.

Sneak peak
Soon our questions will be answered.
When FLOW declares war on STICK, DF holds almost an entire continent of frontline.
Will he fold like in recent worlds, will his tribe make him give up his frontline before the war starts or will he show leadership took the internals because they are simply the best players in the tribe.




Non-stop Poster
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I always find it hilarious when people get salty over leadership in tribes of this level taking a "lion share" of the internals. Even if it were true(which mathematically you have proven here that it is) this is not something worthy of salt. The fact tribe leaders do not typically just eat 100% of the internals should almost be what baffles you. As it is leadership in tribes typically puts more time and effort into the members of the tribe then into their own accounts, on top of that any good leaders puts a % of effort directly into every member of the tribe(even if that member is skilled solo, integration of us arrogant pricks is quite a responsibility) as such they should get a % out.

Sometimes leaders can take it to far, but usually the whining from tribemates, allies and enemies about internalling starts with the first internal capped by leadership. The other thing not accounted for this is Barbarian conquers which IMO are in the same category for this conversation as internals...if your comparing combat caps to non combat caps, then you should include that third column of information.


Non-stop Poster
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I think the fact that council often take larger % is that the most active/experienced accounts that are top ranks inside the tribe often ends up being in the council.

The problem is when accs that are in council takes a lot of internals without doing a bunch of warcaps/ODA/ODD/ODS and stuff like that. If you cant play your own acc because it takes a lot of effort to lead the players then why dont give the players that you manage more vills so you can focus even more on the players doing good?

One Last Shot...

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A good strategy tends to be divvying internals up based on a % of available nobles.

No point giving all players 10 internals when one of them has only got 6 nobles available :)