Feedback - Tournament 2021 - 2022

Goth Angel

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isnt activity part of the game?
if you’re casual player go play casual worlds requires less activity.

i bet you will not even survive more than a month in tournament , somehow i got a feeling.
if there is no fake limit i will indeed not survive a month because i am not a downie who will play tw all day and night. It's about the quality of the attacks, not the quantity

Why not just add a tower? Then you can keep the world without fake limit.
Makes the game a lot more tactical. Had the most beautiful and best attacks on tower worlds.


Non-stop Poster
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if there is no fake limit i will indeed not survive a month because i am not a downie who will play tw all day and night. It's about the quality of the attacks, not the quantity

Why not just add a tower? Then you can keep the world without fake limit.
Makes the game a lot more tactical. Had the most beautiful and best attacks on tower worlds.

i do not play it either all day and night , as i said its .net coplayers are tolerated but i guess you gonna try it solo lel.

Now u have fake limit 1% , GL see u there.

I think you are misunderstanding what we're saying. No one is gonna deny that in order to be competitive in this tournament, 24/7 activity is required. We're not arguing about activity here, we're talking about what will make this a more skill based tournament.
It's pretty much a fact that with a fake limit, you have to think way more about your plan of attack and can't just mindlessly spam fakes 24/7, which is something literally everyone can do.

This is an international tournament. Players from all servers come here together to compete, so saying stuff like: "go play on casual" or "wait for w124" doesn't apply to us.

I know I'm speaking for a lot of people on my server when I say that we're all looking forward to the tournament, but we know that if there's no fake limit, we're not gonna be playing it for very long. Not because we're not active or good enough, just simply because getting mindlessly spammed with fakes, we realize we're not having fun anymore and we just go back to playing on our server's worlds where we actually enjoy the world settings.

I was pointing that to goth angel , according to his last comments he wants a chill world.

im not misunderstanding you , im understanding pretty well but kinda you’re the one that misunderstanding , aight 1% fake limit i can agree , still i can spam the same fakes even without no fake limit.


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You really ask a tower ? :oops: and fake limit 2% ? :oops:

No skills for send fakes maybe ...

But skills for analyse this fakes !
skills to see if it's fakes or off !
skills to know who will be the guy focus, or the area focus !
skills to kill noblemen, even if there are 500 of it
skills to detect the bunkers who will be focus, even if there are 4000 fakes
skills to detect the time of the impact
skills to keep deff and off ready in case

I see when guys send fake with map, or with script, i know the dangerous area for noblemen and anticipates it
With 2% fake limit everyone can see where are the off, before you lauched it maybe. I won't have lose any village
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And no farming on a tournament world ??

Did you ever make a war one day ? If you have time to fight you have time to farm
IF and only if wars need 12 hours per day, farmings need only 2 hours

And without farming, free village have too much importance in devlopment for some guys who abuse of it

Some guys think that farming is a problem. But after 4-5 days, first of farming have 2, 3 times loot more than the 30 th. Only in 5 days ... The problem for 90% of the players is the lack of knowledge about starting, and up buildings (10% of the rest is maybe time )

(sorry for that 2nd post, but it has to be clear and i'm The.Iron.Lady )


Non-stop Poster
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And no farming on a tournament world ??

Did you ever make a war one day ? If you have time to fight you have time to farm
IF and only if wars need 12 hours per day, farmings need only 2 hours

And without farming, free village have too much importance in devlopment for some guys who abuse of it

Some guys think that farming is a problem. But after 4-5 days, first of farming have 2, 3 times loot more than the 30 th. Only in 5 days ... The problem for 90% of the players is the lack of knowledge about starting, and up buildings (10% of the rest is maybe time )

(sorry for that 2nd post, but it has to be clear and i'm The.Iron.Lady )
People just want to log in once per day for 10 minutes and win the world


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Fake limit is for noobs who can't handle 10k+ incomings, please don't activate

The tournament is supposed to show the world who is the best, not who can hide the best


I enjoy quoting myself beceause I'm 100% of the time right



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Where are those players Who asked for the fake limit ?

Hi, i am here!

I'm sorry if you have 24 frenchies in your account or if you have no life to spend 24 hrs in this game. lol
But, if you are a smart guy, u will know that fake limit is related to the time we have to spend here, essentially in operations.


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Hi, i am here!

I'm sorry if you have 24 frenchies in your account or if you have no life to spend 24 hrs in this game. lol
But, if you are a smart guy, u will know that fake limit is related to the time we have to spend here, essentially in operations.

Hello @Topster ,

From my understanding of the game, it is for a big part an activity based game. To that extent, I think the winning tribe will always be one which played the most, with the most efficiency, mainly with looting 24/7 to up your noblemen limit. Once you've maxed out your efficiency, only the number of hours your account is playing per day will give you an advantage.
It is the case during peace times with farming, and it is the case during operation times with faking.

For the ones saying faking requires no skill, I agree. But it requires skill to manage 10k + incoming during a mid game operation.
And there is nothing related to connection time when defending 10k + incomings, since you should be connected all day anyway when receiving an operation so that you can snipe / take over or whatever you can do to keep your villages. Skill will determine if you can do this while dodging all your troops at the same time to have nearby troops available to defend all day.

Also, I regret the big boss Jawjaw accepted this suggestion, since we are playing the "world cup" that is supposed to determine who is the best across all servers, on a classic world.

Now it is what it is, may the best tribe win :)


One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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People have very different opinions on fake limits.

The most competitive worlds I've played in the past 5 years have been fake limit worlds, and that was because how much extra strategy goes in to making useful fakes (and not just slamming nonstop which is as you say requires no skill at all, nor is particularly strategic).

You may not like the setting, but there are viewpoints both for and against it as part of a competitive setting :)


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@One Last Shot...

Indeed, and I respect everyone's opinion.

My point, and I did not mention it, also highlights how nerve breaking it can get to receive 10k + non stop during weeks.
I think this aspect of the game might be underestimated for those who don't witness it late game on big worlds.

When the pressure in game overwhelms your private life, your mindset switches and you better be strong to keep focus and play your game.
Your desire of winning is bigger than the struggle of having no fun and no life during weeks, up to some point.
This I think is the hardest part of the game, to keep playing a game which is far from being fun and which ruins your private life at the same time !

To this you add some extra strategy from top tribes in late game, it becomes nightmare :D

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Would be cool to have it a bit slower next time. 4 speed meant everyone was burnt out so the final war was a little bit dissapointing to say the least