How to cut this train?


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Hi to all.



Is there any method to cut this train with 100% safe?

Taylor Swift

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Some ways.

1. Barb boune: A train landing over a second like this one can be sniped by a «barb bounce». Troops sent to a village returns on the ms 000 no matter what. So find a village with the right distance, attack, go to commands and open it, you will see when the attack returns. This is the safest and easiest way some would say. It is considered best to do with barbarian or bonus villages, but any village will do.

2. Snipe: From one of your other villages (if you have more), time a support landing between the attacks. Start with the slowest troops and work your way in.

3. Cancel snipe: The most risky as it is done from the village itself and must be done within the cancel time of an attack/support. Any attack cancelled returns on the ms it would have landed on. On most worlds cancel time is 10 minutes, so once the attack is within 20 minutes of land start attacking a village and see if the attack lands within the correct ms of when the train lands. If you sent the attack 19 minutes and 10 seconds before the attack lands you cancel when the attack has travelled 9 minutes and 35 seconds (2*9:35=19:10). This method is more risky than the others, so practice. You need to do some math and if you are too late you have sent all your troops away and basically give the village away.

Probably a day or two too late, but good luck, @fetar

The Censored

Well-Known Member
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Some ways.

1. Barb boune: A train landing over a second like this one can be sniped by a «barb bounce». Troops sent to a village returns on the ms 000 no matter what. So find a village with the right distance, attack, go to commands and open it, you will see when the attack returns. This is the safest and easiest way some would say. It is considered best to do with barbarian or bonus villages, but any village will do.

2. Snipe: From one of your other villages (if you have more), time a support landing between the attacks. Start with the slowest troops and work your way in.

3. Cancel snipe: The most risky as it is done from the village itself and must be done within the cancel time of an attack/support. Any attack cancelled returns on the ms it would have landed on. On most worlds cancel time is 10 minutes, so once the attack is within 20 minutes of land start attacking a village and see if the attack lands within the correct ms of when the train lands. If you sent the attack 19 minutes and 10 seconds before the attack lands you cancel when the attack has travelled 9 minutes and 35 seconds (2*9:35=19:10). This method is more risky than the others, so practice. You need to do some math and if you are too late you have sent all your troops away and basically give the village away.

Probably a day or two too late, but good luck, @fetar
Too fancy, i just close my eyes and click