muchas gracias


There is really no point for me to elaborate anything to you. Its like talking to a 5 year old. Your not worth my time. We'll just continue nobling your villas. simple as that.

HA HA I SHOOT AND SCORE. Whats the matter did I get to you and your pitiful posting? You came here thinking your posting is going to prove something when in reality you dug yourself a hole and cant seem to get out of it so you come back with "talking to a 5yr old".

I pity you, I really do. Its ok though at least I have proved my point with you. Good luck nub:-D


WM big fighters lol

Hope you can keep the pace when we pay you some attention, then you´ll be tested. Now you are just taking advantage of UN work. Scabbie, paste the stats again please, you feel 2 feet taller when you post them


No nobles on route, shy of 4mill point NMS player ..... first op against an non K2 NMS member, with the execption of the 50 villas we took from hevisko K23.

If you say so Nub. Never thought I would see the day people say a particular player is bad and is nothing but a meat shield then use that player as an example of a victory. Sad very very sad but when you have low standards or expectations I guess it OK :-D


If you say so Nub. Never thought I would see the day people say a particular player is bad and is nothing but a meat shield then use that player as an example of a victory. Sad very very sad but when you have low standards or expectations I guess it OK :-D

Hey.. Its your tribe. You decide ;)

As long as we aren't jealous anymore, We're in good shape.


WM big fighters lol

Hope you can keep the pace when we pay you some attention, then you´ll be tested. Now you are just taking advantage of UN work. Scabbie, paste the stats again please, you feel 2 feet taller when you post them

Will i get to add adil or are you stat whoring already?


Will i get to add adil or are you stat whoring already?

The only think that matters to us is that we know hes not part of our tribe anymore. We tried helping him (which you call a meat shield-haha to damn funny) and he came back and never set anyone and went awol. So go ahead add him if it makes you feel any better as tribe. Oh actually sine hes not part of NMS anymore we will add him to your stats as well :-D


TWe tried helping him (which you call a meat shield-haha to damn funny) and he came back and never set anyone and went awol. So go ahead add him if it makes you feel any better as tribe. Oh actually sine hes not part of NMS anymore we will add him to your stats as well :-D

You must be on drugs.


stat whoring lol, who´s posting stats in every single page? lol


The only think that matters to us is that we know hes not part of our tribe anymore

Ya thats the way lover boys, kick 'em when they start losing villas :icon_wink:

Least it gives you another target eh 'bookie :lol: Stay away from those active targets, they bite back :icon_wink:


Ya thats the way lover boys, kick 'em when they start losing villas :icon_wink:

Least it gives you another target eh 'bookie :lol: Stay away from those active targets, they bite back :icon_wink:

Yup kick them when they turn yellow. No sense in keeping a dead non sat account.

As for your active targets when is UN going to at least keep some active people to hit on my expansion east? Seems everyone that has been in my AOI has gone inactive. Fishy isnt it?


wow no response from the suicidal lap dog. Must of made him think twice about posting about ppl quitting :p