My mistake to come back to tw


Laugh at me all you want, but I'm not whining or being a baby. I played on w8 and on w40, and I had a lot of fun, for the time I was there. I thought I'd come back to have a little fun: my fault. My story:

I joined up on worlds 49 and 50. 49 for the old time settings, and 50 for the 2x speed and no churches that w40 had. I played and enjoyed myself. I kept my defense 2x my points, and I was soon to start on an offense. I earned my few free days of premium and it reminded me of how much easier it was to play on w40 when I purchased premium.

Fast forward to my 14th day on the world. I log in to see an 88 hour incoming train from NickyCz, a 100k point player down from 300k. I checked twstats, and he was being nobled by SchOol at a rate of 4-5 vils per day, so I figured I'd see the attacks disappear. I talked to the SchOol players nobling him to show them how funny it was that he was running so far, and to ask if they would move the train vil up on their list, seeing as I've only been playing for 2 weeks and have no chance of stopping a nuke despite only building my farm and barracks for the last week (I farmed barbs a lot). Mistake. Now I have 2 incoming nukes plus the 4 noble/nuke train. And the nobling of Nicky slowed, and it was made sure that his 3 offensive vils attacking me were not attacked. The attackers were Nicky's friends and had forwarded him my email for laughs. I watched the School/fear battle and thought school was better than this-oops. To this day, I have no idea how or why he searched K12 and chose me.

Maybe the players of tw were always like this and I never stayed long enough to see it. I think Innogames should make a chess site where people like Nicky and his friends get 20 minute timers, and people new to worlds like me get 1 minute.

I am fortunate though. Fortunate that the attacks showed up right before my free premium ran out. I was a day away from shelling out $12 to get premium on both worlds. Not much compared to who does pay, but I wonder if perhaps dozens or hundreds see similar situations and leave. That could amount to a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars per month that you "good, experienced" players are making Innogames lose because you play like this.

Why do you do this? Why are SchOol and Cbears not at war? Why does w12 happen? Why do the few hardcore tribes eat up everyone else until they each have 250M+ points and wars end up being slow states of attrition that would take many years to end like in worlds 1-10? What a weird community. You amass your armies at the expense of driving away players that could one day become fun for you to play against, just so you can fight the same person you fought a few worlds ago months from now. And a general forum post thinks tw is dying because of co-playing, lol.

I digress. To Nicky, VAPART, Cwulfgirl, and TheWildbunch3: thank you for saving me the time of playing. More importantly, thank you for saving me $12 a month. I don't see how you get enjoyment from this, but more power to you.

To the staff and mods: I know you can't do anything about things like this. Thank you for making a good game and I'm sorry people don't respect your hard work enough to make the game fun for everyone and bring new people to it.


If i was rimmed I would be more inclined to get back in the game and prove I could play


Really? You are making a thread complaining because you got rimmed? Chances are Nicky or whoever it was wanted to start over on the rim, and it's much easier to do that if you keep your coins.
She randomly chose you, you got a bit unlucky, happens tons of times, if you were a good player you could just snipe the train.


Why do you do this? Why are SchOol and Cbears not at war? Why does w12 happen? Why do the few hardcore tribes eat up everyone else until they each have 250M+ points and wars end up being slow states of attrition that would take many years to end like in worlds 1-10? What a weird community. You amass your armies at the expense of driving away players that could one day become fun for you to play against, just so you can fight the same person you fought a few worlds ago months from now. And a general forum post thinks tw is dying because of co-playing, lol.

Because in order to war properly tribes have to first establish themselves. Now that most of the top tribes of the world have done this, they have started real wars. HUG vs CBears and SchOol vs SeVeN.

All you do this thread is complain about being a target of a nobletrain. This game is called TRIBALwars. If the attacks were long range, you had plenty of time to call for support from tribemates and to get stacked. OR, you could have learned how to snipe. There are many things which you could have (no, should of!) done, and messaging another tribe asking them to save your butt is not one of them.

Congrats on the saved premium points.


[spoil]Laugh at me all you want, but I'm not whining or being a baby. I played on w8 and on w40, and I had a lot of fun, for the time I was there. I thought I'd come back to have a little fun: my fault. My story:

I joined up on worlds 49 and 50. 49 for the old time settings, and 50 for the 2x speed and no churches that w40 had. I played and enjoyed myself. I kept my defense 2x my points, and I was soon to start on an offense. I earned my few free days of premium and it reminded me of how much easier it was to play on w40 when I purchased premium.

Fast forward to my 14th day on the world. I log in to see an 88 hour incoming train from NickyCz, a 100k point player down from 300k. I checked twstats, and he was being nobled by SchOol at a rate of 4-5 vils per day, so I figured I'd see the attacks disappear. I talked to the SchOol players nobling him to show them how funny it was that he was running so far, and to ask if they would move the train vil up on their list, seeing as I've only been playing for 2 weeks and have no chance of stopping a nuke despite only building my farm and barracks for the last week (I farmed barbs a lot). Mistake. Now I have 2 incoming nukes plus the 4 noble/nuke train. And the nobling of Nicky slowed, and it was made sure that his 3 offensive vils attacking me were not attacked. The attackers were Nicky's friends and had forwarded him my email for laughs. I watched the School/fear battle and thought school was better than this-oops. To this day, I have no idea how or why he searched K12 and chose me.

Maybe the players of tw were always like this and I never stayed long enough to see it. I think Innogames should make a chess site where people like Nicky and his friends get 20 minute timers, and people new to worlds like me get 1 minute.

I am fortunate though. Fortunate that the attacks showed up right before my free premium ran out. I was a day away from shelling out $12 to get premium on both worlds. Not much compared to who does pay, but I wonder if perhaps dozens or hundreds see similar situations and leave. That could amount to a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars per month that you "good, experienced" players are making Innogames lose because you play like this.

Why do you do this? Why are SchOol and Cbears not at war? Why does w12 happen? Why do the few hardcore tribes eat up everyone else until they each have 250M+ points and wars end up being slow states of attrition that would take many years to end like in worlds 1-10? What a weird community. You amass your armies at the expense of driving away players that could one day become fun for you to play against, just so you can fight the same person you fought a few worlds ago months from now. And a general forum post thinks tw is dying because of co-playing, lol.

I digress. To Nicky, VAPART, Cwulfgirl, and TheWildbunch3: thank you for saving me the time of playing. More importantly, thank you for saving me $12 a month. I don't see how you get enjoyment from this, but more power to you.

To the staff and mods: I know you can't do anything about things like this. Thank you for making a good game and I'm sorry people don't respect your hard work enough to make the game fun for everyone and bring new people to it.[/spoil]

bawwwwww :icon_sad:



SchOoL and CBears are not at war because we love eachother and what fun would it be to take each other out so soon into the world? we need to take out other people that way
we can have a proper war lol.

Seriously though. I dont think we will war for a really really long time and in no way am i threatening CBears with this message simply stating why tribes do what they do.

And W12 happened because that tribe was the best.. i think i dont really know and once again there is no hidden text dont try and find it it does not exists.
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I agree about the w12 comment though. What a boring world that was :l


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The attackers were Nicky's friends and had forwarded him my email for laughs. I watched the School/fear battle and thought school was better than this-oops. To this day, I have no idea how or why he searched K12 and chose me.

Firstly, this is, as others have said, a wargame. If you join on the rim, and someone from the core decides that you look like some interesting real estate, then there is little that you can do (unless you want to learn to dodge, which in this case might not have helped if the attacks are coming from three villages.)

Secondly, think of this like sports, maybe Rugby. At the top level of Rugby, there are a bunch of players who, in any given year will be playing for both their club and their country. While for 80 minutes, on field, they will play hard to take down the opposition - at the end of the game they'll shake hands. The ritual isn't just about quaint old-fashioned British politeness (because even the Australians do it!) but about reducing the chances of personal grudges, because the following week they might be in the SAME tame as a couple of the opponents (particularly when there are national and club competitions and players might be on the same team for one, but not for the other, either way round.)

The point is that "elite" players (which, whether it's actually true or not, is how the players from the top 3-5 tribes on any world think of themselves) probably see themselves as having more in common than other players with many villages than with rim players with one. This is particularly true in the case of pre-mades like ScHoOl where the players also know each other AND SOME OPPONENTS from others worlds. (If you want an example, look at the forum fighting in the early days between Alex and Behn, who were leading two opponent tribes here on W50, but co-playing another account on W38.)

Your comment about "players who might fight them another day", therefore needs to be taken in the light of this.

On that basis, top players would PREFER a respected opponent to send a three-day train across the world, to, in effect, restart with a few thousand points, rather than a hundred and something.... because it increases the chance of them having a good opponent later in the game, compared to the "unknown factor" of someone on the rim who they don't know.

Personally, I prefer starting partway to the rim - I don't have the time to concentrate on the game quite enough to really manage a real core, and even starting a couple of days late on W50 ended up with me being a K away from anyone else in my premade.... Hence I dropped out of this world for a while, and have now restarted, on the rim, deliberately in a different quadrant from my former tribemates :)

To a large extent, however, Innogames tries to compensate with beginner protection, and (on some worlds) the 20:1 rule (The rule that says you can't attack anyone who has less than 1/20th of your points). That rule, however, is very unpopular with the "hardcore players" ... and was dropped on this world quite early, after lobbying from the players on these forums.

It's not clear what, if anything, Innogames could do to provide a better experience for small players on the rim, without making the game less appealing to the bigger players. And, while I have no access to the figures, on the basis that they are a competitor of my employer, I suspect that a far higher proportion of players with 20 villages have premium than the proportion of those with 1... and therefore Innogames need to make sure that the game attracts SOME paying customers to keep the bills paid.


Thanks for the picture, +2. I'm not crying. I'm an adult and I lost. I have far too few tw friends to defend this kind of attack this soon and I'm not the kind of player who wakes up at 2:10 a.m. to snipe a 572 ms train.

Rugby recruits new players. But the teams play even on both sides and not 9 v 1 (his vils to mine when the attack was launched). Of course the players here don't like the 20:1 rule-it leaves them with only their elite friends to fight against. They would much prefer to find a less experienced player with 20 vils and have 3 players with 50 vils each gobble him up. That's how they have fun. Then, years later when they have 2,000 vils each, the players might decide to have an equal fight against each other.

Innogames can do nothing about this. And I'm positive that those hardcore players bring in more money since they have premiums on several worlds. As one example, L a z a r u s skillfully led NMS to the top of w40. Then comes July and he only nobles abandoned vils and has had no conquers or losses since Aug 4th. Landlocked I guess, so he comes to w50 to beat up on players he knows he's better than, and team up with his friends in SchOol that are as good as him. He probably has premium on both worlds.

Mark, you have proven my point in your 5th paragraph:

top players would PREFER a respected opponent to send a three-day train across the world, to, in effect, restart with a few thousand points, rather than a hundred and something.... because it increases the chance of them having a good opponent later in the game, compared to the "unknown factor" of someone on the rim who they don't know.

This ensures minimal, if any, increase in real players who would pay for more than a couple of months. There was a player I respected when I first started who ran an "academy" tribe, which solely existed to train new players and send them off to join/make tribes of their own. This guy was smart: wouldn't everyone rather have a larger pool of good players in the game? The answer I found was no. Maybe there are some people who would answer yes and do train new players.


Wow dude...
Don't go tossing my name around like I am rubbish. Yes I was munching nicky. Yes he asked for time to noble out of the area. Yes I told him I would let him go so he could keep his coins. No I never assisted him. Before you go tossing my name around perhaps you should have all the facts in place. I never cared or knew who or what he was nobling, just that he left the area. To bad you couldn't snipe his train. Bad luck for you. Now go.... off with your whining and finger pointing...
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Oh Mark, how I missed your posts. Good to see your still around.


Wow dude...
Don't go tossing my name around like I am rubbish. Yes I was munching nicky. Yes he asked for time to noble out of the area. Yes I told him I would let him go so he could keep his coins. No I never assisted him... I never cared or knew who or what he was nobling...Now go.... off with your whining and finger pointing...

Lol. Again, not whining, but rather making an observation. I never said you were rubbish. You knew who he was nobling, I mailed you almost immediately after the launch. And holding off on your "munching nicky" is assisting. btw, he failed miserably. His biggest attack was a mini-nuke and none of his attacks had rams, lol. He cleared the force I was able to draw up. It was enough to kill his mini-nuke and noble #1. On the bright side, he was able to noble 6 abandoned vils near me.

Letting him go to keep his coins? Out to the rim where the new players are? Thanks for proving my point about tw players, again.


Thanks for proving my point about tw players, again.

is it just a point about tw players or is it a point about people in general? generally the people with power in life take advantage of the people without power. whether it's the boss treating an employee like shit, the policeman who gets a kick out of having the power to bully people or the large tw player who gets a kick out of going out to the rim and hoovering up noobs for lulz. it's human nature. i think a few people in my tribe have moved out to the rim aswell, and why not. they are also willing to fight decent opponents, why shouldn't they go out to the rim and bully people who might not have the means to defend themself. it's fun :lol:


you seem concerned that new players will give up on the game if they join and a big player nobles them.. well if they do then they aren't cut out for it anyway, there's always gonna be times when you lose, whether you lose in a fair fight or whether it's a gangbang or just pure misfortune (like being nobled out on the rim by a core player). anyone who is really interested in learning/playing this game will pick themself up and try to figure out how they can put themselves in the position of power next time.

wouldn't everyone rather have a larger pool of good players in the game? The answer I found was no. Maybe there are some people who would answer yes and do train new players.

why do people need "trained"?.. can't people just choose to learn. every tribe i have been in has had people in it who are more than happy to share their knowledge of the game with anyone who asks them. anyone who plays the game for any length of time will learn as much as they choose to learn about it.


This exact same thing has happened to hundreds/thousands of players. Everyone knows it's happening, theres no need to make a thread about it. Any chance of getting this thread closed?

Btw the 20:1 rule was mainly complained about and abolished because a lot of players could no longer farm player villages they had cleared early on in the world/players that started the world but quit really early on.


This thread was painful to read.... getting rimmed is part of the game...

on world 23 I got rimmed early game also and fought back to become rank no 3 at about 3 million points....

like some of the posters said.... you are suppose to fight back...

just start again... dont let one incident spoil your game...


This thread was painful to read....

Yes it is. But not because of coytex. Because of all this good and powerfull players, that feel themselves uber pro elite and give advices like "fight back - we also were rimmed once". Cause original message was not about this.

getting rimmed is part of the game...

coytex was not rimmed. It was his "14th day on the world". He joined late. Thats why he was on the rim. As I say - original post was not about this.

on world 23 I got rimmed early game also and fought back to become rank no 3 at about 3 million points....

Exactly. "Early game". You do not need to fight 500 000 pointed refugee, who runs from the war with second best tribe in the world when you have like say 1000 points yourself. You have plenty of players to farm around you.

I joined not a week ago. In last 4 days only one or two players joined my 15x15. I am lost in wilderness with almost no one to farm. Because there is no one joining this world. Guess why? And I see ppl with hunderts thousands of points picking best bonus villages in my continent. They call it "control the rim". Ok, they have all rights to do so, but do not be surprised, that there is no point to join this world any more, cause rim gives no chance for newcommers.

just start again... dont let one incident spoil your game...

It is not one incident massada. And there is no point start over again to get other same empty place on the not growing rim, "controlled" by losers with hundreds thousand points accounts.


Eh, pick yourself up brush the dust off and sharpen those spear heads. You need to be a stubborn little suchandsuch to make it in any world. I JUST join this world and already I've been cleared and am target for farming, yet each day I get on, build up my village and my troops and kill a little more of my attackers troops while hiding the resources he is after. I am also seeing the walls of the top tribes comming at me, am I scared? No I will fight them, hell maybe I will kill 1 or 2 of their troops if they come for my village and when they finally take it, I will just pick myself brush off and be a stubborn little suchandsuch even though I know I won't get far before some bigger, better more experience player comes for me I play for the fun of it and hell maybe, just maybe that bigger better player might let me grow, might send me an invite into his tribe.

But yeah, just be as stubborn as you can be, so your situation is grim and the odd are 1 and a million you'll make it? SO WHAT?! Play anyways play for the fun of it, the adreniline of seeing incommings is fun, learn to SNIPE, that is the BEST way to piss off that big player, make him sweat a bit that someone so small just killed a noble that cost who knows how much in resources and coins?!


def whining even though i did it once before on the forum but came back now to prove myslef lol