PnP Challenge


My PnP's would put yours in the dust, feel free to challenge me in a PnP competition from our old PnP's and then the world could decide who is better. Then the winner could decide who knows their PnP.

And Mr. "I can't do my blog after two weeks because I am too stressed/whatheheckever' At least when I do interviews I do A LOT before ever quiting.

Forgive me but for now I think I will not accept your limited and vaguely weird views on what constitutes a good public image.

But THANKS for offering!

I'm your huckleberry but lets make something new :icon_wink:

Yeah.. well my blogs didnt suck -- 10 great blogs > 10512095712 pointless interviews

So me and you one new PnP and the world votes?

And give me and X a minute, if he wants to go one on one with me we will, and maybe he will kick my ass and maybe he won't or maybe we are both too tired to mess with it. WE will figure it out IGM :)


Oh, hell. Do you even know what "pnp" stands for !? :icon_confused:


Pictures and PIctures RIGHT??? Like all teh thousands of LOLCats that I will be posting all over my Pretty Nice Pictures that I do if UBM gets all up on in here and accepts again.

<3 you dear but I will have to spank you very hard if you do accept :)


There are no words to describe how disappointed I am in humanity right now.



I always thought it stood for

Profalactic no Penicillin

Thanks for setting me straight.


So me and you one new PnP and the world votes?

And give me and X a minute, if he wants to go one on one with me we will, and maybe he will kick my ass and maybe he won't or maybe we are both too tired to mess with it. WE will figure it out IGM :)

What do I have to do with a PnP challenge, as the thread title states this thread is about? I know I'm damn sexy, but please? Internet (and long distance relationships) just simply don't interest me. I myself have a bit of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder but this is just loose Chase. :icon_confused:

... Seeing as you brought me into the thread, let's clarify things. I have an in-game challenge, yes. The challenge you proposed... Which I agreed to. I have a lot of time - I'm on holidays untill the 24th of January, starting after today. All I'll be doing is gym (not even 2 hours a day), and partying on Fridays and Saturdays. What can I say? I'm a boring guy.

If you don't wish to play Speed in this time frame stated above, you lose (the challenge, that you brought upon yourself mind you). Face it; it's the only way we'll 1v1 evenly.

It's really your call.

Good luck with both your PnP challenge and in-game shemozzle.


Im the kind of person who, when watching something where one person is doing something really embarassing I feel really akward myself, even though im not involved and just watching.

I gotta say I cringed a bit when I read this thread :icon_redface:


I was thinking beta maybe X, don't they have crazy speed on there still like 3, I TOLD you I can NOT play speed because of my internet :p. If you call a loss for me because of that, then I guess there is nothing I can do. I lose ya big meanie. Probably the quicker way of achieving my in game loss anyway. I know you are an animal *Grrrooowwl* and a super super sexy one at that :p

Michael Corleone.

Instead of doing PnP challenges and making yourself look like a big joke, maybe you should actually work on your account on this world.


Maybe I am in war Prep Michael, and have been at war since the start of the world. Easier growing when you are in a big bad ass tribe right?

Give me a minute, I will be a force, maybe not a HUGE force on this world game wise, but a force.

I use to think you were fun too, but not no more. You just hate seeing anyone have FUN at this game like lots of the Haters. So now you can go away, and your comments anywhere in forum no longer hold any intrest to me :)

Michael Corleone.

Maybe I am in war Prep Michael, and have been at war since the start of the world. Easier growing when you are in a big bad ass tribe right?

Give me a minute, I will be a force, maybe not a HUGE force on this world game wise, but a force.

I use to think you were fun too, but not no more. You just hate seeing anyone have FUN at this game like lots of the Haters. So now you can go away, and your comments anywhere in forum no longer hold any intrest to me :)
Uhm I do not have to go away. You've been talking a big game since the beginning of the world.

And yes, I am waiting on you being a force:

Dr Chase Points:22.276 Rank:309 Opponents defeated:66.678 (485.) Tribe: Smack

We are waiting... Okay, I'll take your word for it, you've had your minute . . . .

and your still a nobody. So yeah, crawl back to whatever insignificant sewer you crawled out of. You do nothing in this server except irritate people with head in the sand trolling on the PnP forums.


Uhm I do not have to go away. You've been talking a big game since the beginning of the world.

And yes, I am waiting on you being a force:

Dr Chase Points:22.276 Rank:309 Opponents defeated:66.678 (485.) Tribe: Smack

We are waiting... Okay, I'll take your word for it, you've had your minute . . . .

and your still a nobody. So yeah, crawl back to whatever insignificant sewer you crawled out of. You do nothing in this server except irritate people with head in the sand trolling on the PnP forums.

and what exactly do you do, mister bigshot? are you saying because your acct is bigger, you do more in this game? wrong. if it were that simple this whole game would be an e-peen contest. "look, mine's bigger" "nu-uh, mine is!".

Chase may not take the route of the super-elite premades (who seem to fail more often then not anyways) that your probably accustomed to hanging out in, instead she prefers to teach, not caring about skill level upon joining, and make her tribe a fighting force through hard work and effort, teaching people how to become better, at the game as they go along. Doing so, she has also gathered quite a large group of people who would be willing to join any world she plans on leading, just to be in her tribe, because they like the way she does things. can you say the same?

Not to mention that even just on the few other worlds i've played with her on, just about every tribe was successful, and a force to be reckoned with, regardless of size. So much so that some still play in W32 "Time." to this day (the tribe that's going to win that world), and thats just one example.

now please, by all means, tell me just what it is you do.


instead she prefers to teach, not caring about skill level upon joining

Given that I have set up more teaching tribes and tried to help any player to have come my way I have ever met, what relation does teaching have to her piss poor development in this world.

I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, and failed to log in a single time, however I have managed to over double chase' size.. What exactly is she teaching them? How to improperly play?


I have seen one of Chases 'teaching tribes' and quite frankly she is just so damn mean. Like seriously insults and flips and the slightest thing wrong, Show your members love!


I give them big love. When they COMPLY! :D

And ty tiger for the kind words, yet some will always be to blind to see how things REALLY work.


I have seen one of Chases 'teaching tribes' and quite frankly she is just so damn mean. Like seriously insults and flips and the slightest thing wrong, Show your members love!

if done more then "see" ive been in them, and i can guarantee that is not true. she might have a bit of a temper if you act stupid and piss her off, but you have to be pretty damn stupid to do that.

Anyways, im willing to bet that quite a few of the people she has taught could more then give you a run for your money.