In Progress Security of Account


Non-stop Poster
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Im hearing rumours around that some players got accounts hacked. Spending tons of hours and in the end getting all those ruined its not fair.

Imma suggest idea to tribalwars team to add two-authentication or extra options for securing the account just in case someone tries it wouldnt be easy for breaking through.

I know tribalwars got vpn allowed but in some cases vpn shouldnt been allowed as that hides the ip , i know there are players that cant pass the google bot so they use vpn for that , so instead of taking it out you could make it only special premission by sending support ticket to tribalwars staff.

As for the extra security options some players use co players , tribalwars team could add an option for both players in same acc they only need to get the number in to get the code both of them their own phone number.

Bacon and bacon.


Awesomest CM Ever
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This idea has been suggested before and is currently being considered: DS-19897

Please note however that Tribal Wars does not support coplaying (as per our game rules), so while we may consider mechanisms for 2FA, we will not consider them for more than one player per account.