
Senior In-Game Staff
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Quickbar Entry
Single Village Snipe


Script needs to be run on this screen:

Demo Video:

If you have an incoming and/or your own command landing on the current opened village, click on the command/incoming and landing time field will be updated to match the landing time of the command/incoming.

If you have any issues with the script, found a bug, or have some suggestion feel free to reply on this thread.
-> v1.8.0 (2022-05-10)
-> v1.7.0 (2022-02-03)
-> v1.6.0 (2021-12-30):
-> v1.4.0 (2021-08-25):
-> v2.0.0 (2022-12-12):
-> v2.1.0 (2023-02-08):

===> 05/04/2021 (v.1.2.0)
Added export and import configurations capability

===> 23/03/2021 (v1.1.4)
Converted group filtering from buttons to select dropdown.
Added a new field "Min. Amount" (with a default value of 50, units).

===> 28/02/2021 (v1.1.0)
Added support for sigil snipe
Added destination village field allowing the player to enter custom village coordinates
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Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Script has been updated to version v1.1.0

This version includes:
- support for sigil snipe
- you can now chose to snipe for another village since I added a destination village field which gets pre-filled with the current's village coords but if you want you can change those to custom coords making a snipe plan for other vills too without going first to those other vills.


Senior In-Game Staff
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Script Moderator
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Script has been updated to version v1.1.4.


1. Converted group filtering from buttons to select dropdown.

Each version (button/select) has its own pros and cons. Functionality they work the same so nothing will change. I decided to go with select because I noticed that on accounts with a lot of groups, the layout of those buttons was looking messed up and it was harder to find the group you needed to find. That is now easier thanks to having all the groups listed on a dropdown.

2. Added a new field "Min. Amount" (with a default value of 50, units).

This new field replaces the old user provided variable MIN_SNIPE_UNIT. So it's even easier now for the player to change the minimum amount of troops to snipe with right inside the script, than having to update the quick bar item.

- Pinheiro

Reaction score

Excellent script for snips and getting times in a faster and more practical way.

I only have two suggestion for the future which was based on the following points:

- When there are troops with the same speed, as in the example left in the image below, it would be interesting if the script could "unite" the units in the bar making it more cohesive and less confusing for the player.

- When clicking on send, open the tab with the chosen troops in question - from the slowest to the fastest unit so that it is faster for the player to prepare the snip.

It's a question that in my opinion can make the difference between being able to snip an NT because you ran on short notice or not being able to do it because you ran the script late and wasted some time choosing, selecting, and confirming the command.

I think those would be very interesting features to implement in the script ;)

In any case, here's a great script already developed. Good job!



Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Hello @- Pinheiro,

Thank you for your suggestions.

Point 1, technically is a bit more complex to be implemented and I will add this on future script versions.
Point 2, just implemented that one.

The Quacks

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Hello @- Pinheiro,

Thank you for your suggestions.

Point 1, technically is a bit more complex to be implemented and I will add this on future script versions.
Point 2, just implemented that one.

@misteralb an idea on how to implement the first suggestion would be to show all units in a table and highlight the ones that could arrive in time


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Script updated to version 1.2.0.

On this version added a way to export and import the script configuration like:
destination village,
landing time,
min amount to send

This is an easy way to share your configuration with your tribe mates so you can all time under the same circumstances and an easy way to share a village under attack, landing time of incoming nobles and if you have sigil, since all those info will be found on the script config export, like this:

{"destinationVillage":"413|486","landingTime":"05/04/2021 23:00:00","sigil":"17","minAmount":"300"}
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Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Script updated to version v1.2.2

On the last script version I added support for nobles also. It can be used both for defense so snipe a noble with a noble time (1 noble + other def troops) ... so more sniping options but can also be used a recap timer.

If you have selected Noble unit as a snipe/recap unit then the min amount will not affect the time calculations. So if for example, min amount of troops is 100, a village having only 1 noble which can make it in time will still be shown as a possible snipe/recap attempt.


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A player suggested this feature and after analyzing the request I decided that it was worth to be implemented.

So feel free to reply on this thread with your own suggestions to make the script even better.


New Member
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This doesn’t seem to work properly anymore. It just show maybe 1 out of 10 options since the last uppsade. Atleast for me.

thx for an amazing script anyway


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Hello @Polopihl ,

I will try to see if I can replicate such thing and fix it (if I found any such bug).

It would be strange since this is the latest big script update:

This only adds options (adds noble timing support), can't remove possible options.

Feel free to let me know more info like:
- world
- landing time
- server time when you run the script
- chosen units config
- min amount
- sigil
- if you had chosen group "all" or not

If for example you try to snipe from a wrong group (example a farming group) it could happen that you don't have much villages on that group at all that fit the criteria and can make it in time.


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Tested the script on multiple different scenarios with 2 other sniping scripts.

Both the other sniping scripts are considered as the gold standard (either created from fluffy or modifications/additions on top of his work) and have been battle tested since they are pretty old scripts.

One of them supported sigil also (since single village snipe script supports sigil I needed to test if that affected somehow the snipe combinations).

The result of the tests is that scripts ended up showing the same results.

The 2 other scripts produced more results, for example they showed snipe options with 8 troops. I had set my sniping script to only show that troop/village combo if the troops amount is bigger then 50.

So my script did not show that, the other 2 scripts did show that.

But at the very end, except this difference which can be explained with filtering I'm doing based on the value of the min troops amount field, the rest of the results were the same.

My recommended next steps to players who have issue with the script showing less combinations then it should be (or they think it should be) is to:
  • run my script and export the combinations shown
  • run another sniping script that you trust to be correct (i would recommend one of the fluffy versions since after all most if not all sniping scripts share the same core which is pretty old and battle tested). Always use the same settings as in my sniping script (expect that other sniping script do not offer min troop amounts filtering), so if you have set sigil on my script, use a snipe script which supports sigil ... don't forget to use the same group also (or just run on "all")
  • if results don't make sense then feel free to DM me on Discord (it's not that hard to find my Discord name).
  • pls provide your current script config like so (you just need to click the "Export Config" button, also world where you are testing this (in case I need to replicate the issue with the exact same config i might need to join that world).

It is very important to run both scripts on the same scenario, so with same unit's chosen, with same sigil amount, on same group (ofcurse same destination and same landing time) ... if either one of these is different, the whole test is wrong since for sure you will end up getting different outputs.

The more info provided the easier it can be to find (if there is an issue) and solve the issue.
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Deleted User - 848883978

it's giving me wrong timings in 120 (nvm i forgot to add sigil lol)
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Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Hello @Fun Bunny ,

What do you mean, like timezone issues or completely unrelated times?

Explain this a bit more so I can see what you mean and what could the problem be.

Deleted User - 848883978

i just forgot to add sigil :oops:, your script is working perfectly, thank you!


Senior In-Game Staff
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Hello, @ZidovskejKomca


This inventory item is called Sigil of Distress or for short, sigil.

It has the ability to do this:
Incoming support sent while this is active will travel XX% faster. Has no effect on previously dispatched support.

So If you try to time support/snipe and you do not factor in that the player you are supporting has used this item, your launch times will be calculated incorrectly.

This is why, whenever a player asks for support or snipe and he has used sigil or a tribe buff or any other type of travel time modifiers, to let everyone know about that so the other players won't lose time to figure out they need to factor in sigil.


New Member
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Oh thank you very much! I was used to play only in czech language so I didnt know what is it. Thank you for your kind and fast respond!