Unconfirmed Strange "unable to join speed" bug

duck that quacks

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Bug Priority
Medium Bug (gameplay slightly affected)
Bug Type
Functional bug
Bug Occurrence URL
Bug Reproduction Steps
- Try to join a speed round as soon as it begins
- If this bug occurs, you cannot join the round after the first 4-5 players join the server, for like 2-3 minutes.
Bug Reproducibility
Happens randomly
There is a known bug, typically on the speed servers (any of them around the world), that sometimes, when you join a round very early, you might have the server answer with this:
"An error has ocurred -> we are sorry, but it seems like something unexpected happened. Try again in a few minutes, if the error continues, contact our support team etc etc etc"

It fixes itself after a few minutes, but in speed a few minutes are enough to stay behind for the entire round. This print is from the .it server, but it can happen in any server.

Some players are able to join the round if they are faster (normally 4-5 players are able to join) and occasionally this bug will happen, no one else will be able to join the round for like 2 minutes or so and then it fixes itself and players can join the round again

My theories are:
- Too many players trying to join the speed instantly may cause this
- Too many rounds in a short period of time(?) although this is more unlikely, i dont see how this would make sense

I don't know, but the truth is that I've seen this happen since forever and it definitely is a bit annoying, since speed is so reliant on, well, speed....