The Final Victory...


Googly, I loved the read/s and I have a great respect for all Agency leadership and the players I got to know, both tw skill and as people... but you forgot to mention the couple of Agency (non-Agency by the time they were capped) players that got taken out in the early stages of the CHE!!! conflict in your thread :icon_biggrin:

Anyways, enough of the small detail, big congrats to the winners of w62, good job lads :)

One Last Shot...

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Googly, I loved the read/s and I have a great respect for all Agency leadership and the players I got to know, both tw skill and as people... but you forgot to mention the couple of Agency (non-Agency by the time they were capped) players that got taken out in the early stages of the CHE!!! conflict in your thread :icon_biggrin:

Anyways, enough of the small detail, big congrats to the winners of w62, good job lads :)

Haha, cheers dude!

I think I mentioned Superluminal being taken down by Cheesasauras in there.

I deliberately left out AOVG (the only other guy I remember being taken out by CHE!!! who was in Agency). That was due to his antics in Agency making him essentially someone who was never a proper member of the tribe, and someone who was a huge mistake in recruiting :icon_razz:

Hope all is well dude :)


Say what you will about Daly, but he got left alone by himself up north against Honor for almost a month and he held his ground decently. To be honest having 95% of the tribe not helping in the war made all the people on the front lines stop caring about the game. Props to Honor for how hard they fought to the end.


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a couple things came up about when I finished nobling jamie out in k35 so i kinda ended up just vanishing a couple weeks before the world ended as soon as I made sure he was 100% removed from the continent

I suppose I should say a few words too,never been very good at this kinda thing though

i'm still not entirely sure about how I feel about W62 as a whole to be honest,i'm definitely still disappointed with the way everything shook out(the undy and org wars were way easier than I was hoping,and then when org was crumbling panic was the last possible fight i was even looking forward to and that never ended up even happening etc) and there were several points throughout the world where i was pretty unhappy about the way things were going

that said I suppose it wasn't all bad,I did generally like agency and most of it's members when it was active and other than a brief period of listlessness the leadership was generally pretty good,and I suppose one of the things I was upset about(massive inactivity) is in large part just a natural part of a world getting closer to it's end(there's a reason I usually end up quitting long before worlds end)

as I said,mixed feelings

special mention to runesten,you were in and out at times earlier in the world and I had no will to play at times more towards the end but in general it was a positive experience coplaying with you and we made a good team


I'm glad you didn't go 100% hating on us because 99% of us didn't want a merge. Most quit because of that reason. I suspect the same for Agency. All i can say is the two sides of the merge ran their tribes very VERY differently. The way ops were ran were as though the tribe was full of spies who would disclose information. Panic was very much a leadership trusts its members to the extent whatever a members asks, they get an honest reply. One thing i love bout you and rep is you are both very good at bending the truth and making Agnecy look good. However, i thank you in some regard for managing to hold it together until the very end, not that it mattered. Also for typing an 11% correct post.
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Googly I have to say that post of yours came as a surprise to me. I had no idea that you intended to create it but I thank you for taking time out of your day to do so. I know we shared a lot of the same viewpoints on many of the members but I also knew you didn't want to rile things up at the time of the world closing.

Thank you for making that post to help clear things up.

@Ghosteh, just lol.


Since you were so nice to me with your review rep, heres mine of you.


The worst account on w62. Filed with hateful egocentric personality and selfishness. Consumed with nobling barbs, low morale players and internals because he couldn't take any enemy villages until they quit.

A self proclaimed a**hole, who got demoted from leadership for being a complete and utter dimwit, who had nothing to contribute to the tribe.

All in all, undeserving of the win.[/SPOIL]


Block of text is boring and highly inaccurate.

Agency sucked. End of.
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​Good come back Ghosteh. You have surely proved you're the smarter man with that reply. :icon_rolleyes:


I have nothing to prove to you or googly, so why would i bother ?

You both stated you would completely give up on tw after w62. Yet you both lurk around this forum like kids trying to hang onto their first gold stars at school.

Al Swearengen

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This is just ridiculous. Ghosteh at the very least, you (and all Meow players) should be very grateful that Googly and Foc took hold of the tribe in the new year, coordinating much-needed ops and finally turning the tide on Honor. The world would not have closed while we were losing by so many caps in the north and north-west, even with the complete dominance everywhere else.

Agency and Panic were both successful tribes prior to the merger. To claim that either tribe "sucked" merely undermines ones' credibility and consequently yours is now quite scant.

If you feel inclined to pick a random low figure and claim only that percentage of my comments are accurate, please refer back to that point before posting here again.


My ego is unscathed, and Rep my activity in W48 didn't last long after it ended in W62.


This is just ridiculous. Ghosteh at the very least, you (and all Meow players) should be very grateful that Googly and Foc took hold of the tribe in the new year, coordinating much-needed ops and finally turning the tide on Honor. The world would not have closed while we were losing by so many caps in the north and north-west, even with the complete dominance everywhere else.

Agency and Panic were both successful tribes prior to the merger. To claim that either tribe "sucked" merely undermines ones' credibility and consequently yours is now quite scant.

If you feel inclined to pick a random low figure and claim only that percentage of my comments are accurate, please refer back to that point before posting here again.

Googly didn't have much of a choice, desperate for a win as he was. As he said, he co-ordinated nothing for us. Yes, you were losing lots in the north east. Panic was defiantly a successful tribe prior to the merger. Nobodys credibility gets damaged when someone points out the fact Agency sucked, as it did.

Pick ? Nah, highly accurate math was used to get that figure. As for your comments, you are about to hit rock bottom where the percentages are concerned.

sidd 271

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May be both panic! and agency players should join a future world and war there instead of here in external.

Al Swearengen

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Googly didn't have much of a choice, desperate for a win as he was. As he said, he co-ordinated nothing for us. Yes, you were losing lots in the north east. Panic was defiantly a successful tribe prior to the merger. Nobodys credibility gets damaged when someone points out the fact Agency sucked, as it did.

Pick ? Nah, highly accurate math was used to get that figure. As for your comments, you are about to hit rock bottom where the percentages are concerned.

No, "we" did not lose much in the north-east, we completely destroyed several players (Lady of Rage, Erik cartman, jamie2009 etc). There is nothing left of Honor or Auphan in the NE, whereas Honor still hold a half-dozen continents in the north-west. Check the world maps and you will soon regret your absurd claims.

Then we had players like Daly1992, a central northern player, complete crap and the cause of over 4mil pts going to Honor (he was a Panic player fyi). I lost nothing & our account finished at the top of the war stats and the overall conquer stats, sometimes having to clean up after Daly's mess and take back former territory. I don't ask for special credit for this, but it should not be disputed that I know what I'm talking about, I was more active on w62 than you ever were.

Top 15 in conquers.. what a surprise, 9 of them are from the tribe that "sucked".



Like i care about your edited skype quotes noobs.

You are still failing to do what you set out to do. Look honest. You are not and will not be an honest person.

Agency sucked so much they merged even after all of Panic had said no, and thus quit after it happened.

You brought it apon yourselves.

sidd 271

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@Asphyxiate: now you are making fun of yourself. :lol:
you just can't ignore the facts. The western MEOW failed to invade the north west. The reason for this was inactivity and incapability of south -west Meow players i.e the ex-panics.The east was invaded upto k24 and k25 completely but in west you guys even could not break k42 completely:icon_biggrin:

There is no doubt that both Agency and Panic were good tribes.But Panic was losing activity big time. Your leaders knew it and they approached(although not all panic players wanted it) Googly and co. for a quick merge.Period.