World 63 Dream Team top 20


Here is a topic to lighten the mood some what this is what I would say is my World 63 Dream team top 20 players many might be in Fools but there nothing I can do about my own opinion of who should be in my top 20. I have tried to be honest unbiased. So here is mine according to Bang Goes The Draw.
This is in no particular order of best or worst player and apology to any that I have omitted from this thread but I could only pick 20 and I struggled to compose as there are so many decent players.

I look forward to hearing everyone else's top 20 according to them.

1. Balian in Ibelin (Bill) This is his first world and showed loyalty and attacking aggressiveness he is a roofer and not the brightest on W63 so if it is raining and you have a leak give him a call but I would imagine it would be you he is raining nukes upon. Deserves a spot in my top 20.
2. Bad Influence (Mick Aka Smurf) Started on W63 in BizNiz premade totally loyal player and has excelled on this world. Top notch and definitely would be in my top 10 of any players.
3. NameAlreadyInUse (Ryan) Great player very tactically astute fully deserves a mention in the top 20.
4. Ibid (Name Unknown) This player is a silent assassin never posts on the forums but mark my words he is a beast if you give him a shout for troops he answers without question. Just shows you do not always need players posting on the forum for the to be worthy players.
5. Jazerules Great player has to be in the top 20 without doubt solid player throughout just gets on with the game supporting his tribe mates fully.
6. Arioch44 (Chris) This players has proved it all on world 63 to have great accolades I think he would be in everyone’s top 20 unless you have been watching a totally different game.
7. eVilSizer (Syb) Great player and one of the ladies of W63. When called upon will answer the call of the tribe the only criticism would be for the size of the account more ODA would be good, nether the lessworthy of being in my top 20.
8. Ysanoire (Ysa ( . ) ( . ) Another one of the women of world 63 but by far the most aggressive one you will meet in game play. Cross her at your peril great player,leader and organizer.
9. lustre-online (Melsa and Gareth) Both players have done well with this account I have played with both on previous worlds and are world finishing calibre players and have done so. I would have them in any tribe on any world defo a top 20 mention for this account.
10. Anorexic Panda (Kkey and Co)Here is another player that was brought in with the BizNiz Premade a good solid all round player and you can assure he will have your back and help where is needed. Oh! And he likes curry! Great player and asset in any tribe.
11. Maggot132 Has done very well on world 63. I am not certain really how much serious pressure he has been put under by topplayers but a definite to mention in a serious top 20 shout out on this world.
12. Ershin (Jim) The brains of the bunch I hear but the facts he is always in court we are just waiting for his sentence but the judges seem to be very lenient. Good player and never lets you down a world 63 top player for certain.
13. Azrael211 (Alasdair) Best Ex Duck player to come from world 63 this is the guys first world and has done astoundingly well and is worthy of his Noob stats and mention in the top 20 dream team.
14. Swendog (Swen) Good player I would imagine struggles for time or bordem has set in, in recent weeks only criticism would be the amount of internals and recent Barbs but would defo be in the top 20 as a support account. I would imagine if on a front line this may have been different.
15. EedoX Good player with an account that hasaccelerated in recent months has stayed out of the large tribe politics for quite some time, this guy is a great player looking forward to seeing how thisaccount progresses in the following weeks ahead.
16. M.C.M. (Sidd) Although not the original ownerthis account in general has been solid and constantly in the top 20. Sidd entered on to world 63 in the BizNiz premade another great player who was recruited from the start of this world as a known world winning player.
17. Vijelia (Name unknown) Although in my opinion not the greatest account building player in the respect for captures, but has with stood a high amount of attack on the front line with Fools and has done very well and to his credit stayed strong where others may have faltered.
18. Mr Puddykins (Original owner Simon Dennis) This player was significant in building the tribe Fools and a very accomplished player his aggressiveness in attacking and destruction of opposing tribes was second to non at the height of the account playing time.
19. AgsRsi Has always played to his maximum this player has never let the tribe down and stayed strong like many others in the difficult times. Never shying away from a good fight.
20. DeepSheet This account was recovered from the ashes that was the tribe Escape although I know very little of the player on the account has done more than justice to the Fools tribe and his account since recruitment. Well done!

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In a moment of seriousness(which is fleeting for me). I in no way should be in that list. There are plenty of past players who due to family or work had to leave this world early and many current players that are 100 times the player I could hope to be. Ersh himself should be there not me. He was and is one of the best players I have ever seen, and he is also a very good strategist and expert at Tribal Intelligence :) Never mess with a legitimate brilliant computer engineer with advanced degrees and a real life leader at one of the largest financial institutions in the world. It is scary...... TW/Inno should be so lucky to have him at their company.

But thank you Garsy. Now please stop telling KKey you are the Duke he is very upset. I have been telling him he is the Duke for months let him have something, he gets abuse more than a red headed step child.


In a moment of seriousness(which is fleeting for me). I in no way should be in that list. There are plenty of past players who due to family or work had to leave this world early and many current players that are 100 times the player I could hope to be. Ersh himself should be there not me. He was and is one of the best players I have ever seen, and he is also a very good strategist and expert at Tribal Intelligence :) Never mess with a legitimate brilliant computer engineer with advanced degrees and a real life leader at one of the largest financial institutions in the world. It is scary...... TW/Inno should be so lucky to have him at their company.

But thank you Garsy. Now please stop telling KKey you are the Duke he is very upset. I have been telling him he is the Duke for months let him have something, he gets abuse more than a red headed step child.

Let me look at my account oh! yeah still Bless Kkey he does a good job and his heart is always in the right place. And the banter is mainly from me, he loves the attention!
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Thanks for the inclusion. Yeah my barb and internaling is an epic fail but I've always been focused on leading and using my nukes to clear for the front line as well as supporting vijelia :) lol. Not to mention very difficult for me to noble a fools village from 160 hours out with your stacks.


I'd also replace eedox and put you in that list. Eedox sat on the sidelines nobling crap players just waiting for an opportunity for further expansion(nunners going inactive). Nothing special about his play except that he has no competition in that area to slow him down. Bang is a much better player.


Lol. No you've shown what you can do. You are def in the top 20


I'd also nominate Ganja. He's a great player and had a great start but he's usually too high to be bothered :p. lustre-online as well as his ODA has always been through the roof along with maggot. Both are sick attackers in my opinion.


Maybe we have a top 30? I'm sure more will come to mind. Anyway thanks for putting this together. It was a nice read


Max was a great player no doubt but he had one of the biggest psychological breakdowns I have ever seen in all my years of playing.

I have never seen anyone become as hellbent on destroying a tribe by any means possible. 'Twas fun though.

Put together a list. I'm sure people will enjoy reading it.


Max was a great player no doubt but he had one of the biggest psychological breakdowns I have ever seen in all my years of playing.

I have never seen anyone become as hellbent on destroying a tribe by any means possible. 'Twas fun though.

Put together a list. I'm sure people will enjoy reading it.

Everyone should post a list as it is according to them, why not have a top 30 or so, trust me it is very hard singling accounts out of the list as there is genuinely that many good player of past on W63. But lets face it great players on worlds stick near the end.


Here is a topic to lighten the mood some what this is what I would say is my World 63 Dream team top 20 players many might be in Fools but there nothing I can do about my own opinion of who should be in my top 20. I have tried to be honest unbiased. So here is mine according to Bang Goes The Draw.
This is in no particular order of best or worst player and apology to any that I have omitted from this thread but I could only pick 20 and I struggled to compose as there are so many decent players.

I look forward to hearing everyone else's top 20 according to them.

1. Balian in Ibelin (Bill) This is his first world and showed loyalty and attacking aggressiveness he is a roofer and not the brightest on W63 so if it is raining and you have a leak give him a call but I would imagine it would be you he is raining nukes upon. Deserves a spot in my top 20.
2. Bad Influence (Mick Aka Smurf) Started on W63 in BizNiz premade totally loyal player and has excelled on this world. Top notch and definitely would be in my top 10 of any players.
3. NameAlreadyInUse (Ryan) Great player very tactically astute fully deserves a mention in the top 20.
4. Ibid (Name Unknown) This player is a silent assassin never posts on the forums but mark my words he is a beast if you give him a shout for troops he answers without question. Just shows you do not always need players posting on the forum for the to be worthy players.
5. Jazerules Great player has to be in the top 20 without doubt solid player throughout just gets on with the game supporting his tribe mates fully.
6. Arioch44 (Chris) This players has proved it all on world 63 to have great accolades I think he would be in everyone’s top 20 unless you have been watching a totally different game.
7. eVilSizer (Syb) Great player and one of the ladies of W63. When called upon will answer the call of the tribe the only criticism would be for the size of the account more ODA would be good, nether the lessworthy of being in my top 20.
8. Ysanoire (Ysa ( . ) ( . ) Another one of the women of world 63 but by far the most aggressive one you will meet in game play. Cross her at your peril great player,leader and organizer.
9. lustre-online (Melsa and Gareth) Both players have done well with this account I have played with both on previous worlds and are world finishing calibre players and have done so. I would have them in any tribe on any world defo a top 20 mention for this account.
10. Anorexic Panda (Kkey and Co)Here is another player that was brought in with the BizNiz Premade a good solid all round player and you can assure he will have your back and help where is needed. Oh! And he likes curry! Great player and asset in any tribe.
11. Maggot132 Has done very well on world 63. I am not certain really how much serious pressure he has been put under by topplayers but a definite to mention in a serious top 20 shout out on this world.
12. Ershin (Jim) The brains of the bunch I hear but the facts he is always in court we are just waiting for his sentence but the judges seem to be very lenient. Good player and never lets you down a world 63 top player for certain.
13. Azrael211 (Alasdair) Best Ex Duck player to come from world 63 this is the guys first world and has done astoundingly well and is worthy of his Noob stats and mention in the top 20 dream team.
14. Swendog (Swen) Good player I would imagine struggles for time or bordem has set in, in recent weeks only criticism would be the amount of internals and recent Barbs but would defo be in the top 20 as a support account. I would imagine if on a front line this may have been different.
15. EedoX Good player with an account that hasaccelerated in recent months has stayed out of the large tribe politics for quite some time, this guy is a great player looking forward to seeing how thisaccount progresses in the following weeks ahead.
16. M.C.M. (Sidd) Although not the original ownerthis account in general has been solid and constantly in the top 20. Sidd entered on to world 63 in the BizNiz premade another great player who was recruited from the start of this world as a known world winning player.
17. Vijelia (Name unknown) Although in my opinion not the greatest account building player in the respect for captures, but has with stood a high amount of attack on the front line with Fools and has done very well and to his credit stayed strong where others may have faltered.
18. Mr Puddykins (Original owner Simon Dennis) This player was significant in building the tribe Fools and a very accomplished player his aggressiveness in attacking and destruction of opposing tribes was second to non at the height of the account playing time.
19. AgsRsi Has always played to his maximum this player has never let the tribe down and stayed strong like many others in the difficult times. Never shying away from a good fight.
20. DeepSheet This account was recovered from the ashes that was the tribe Escape although I know very little of the player on the account has done more than justice to the Fools tribe and his account since recruitment. Well done!


Not been on the world long enough to know much about all these guys but would like to say with ref to Balian.

HE has an awesome Co player :lol: Me


I am not sure I deserve this, My co for half this time was Bobanweave an excellent player who worked with me building this account into a position of strength up until January. He is a better player than I am.


Heyy, I made it into a dream team, thanks for the appreciation.

I guess that could be my list as well, I'd play in a premade like that.

A lot of players I would take into my dream team aren't playing W63 anymore or even TW. Like Andy from YourMumSaidHi, or Dan from Lucky.Fellow or phasezero.


Stargate Command is not bad either... and also scdz6


Tried really hard but i'm really just too lazy to make a list of 20 players. Came up with 12. Will post the rest as soon as I feel like it. lol
1. Arioch44 - Abosulte beast! Made sure his presence is felt wherever he went. Jumped to the front lines after a long period of absence. Dominated the oppostion.
2. Lustre-online - Wasn't able to talk much to the original owner but new man on the account (Gareth) has been pretty awesome. Blessed with both leadership and in-game skills, he did an awesome job filling in for kkey and continues to do a lot for the tribe.
3. Anorexic Panda - probably the most level-headed person I have encountered in all my years of playing TW. Very dedicated and hardworking, spending a lot time of working behind the curtains. Pretty selfless guy. Glad to have worked under your leadership buddy.
4. Bang goes the Draw - solid leadership and is trusted by the entire council (I cannot stress how important this is). Never showed any sign of weakness despite Max's repeated smear campaign against him and the rest of FOOLS leadership.
5. Ysanoire - Organized one of the biggest and most successful OPs I have seen in a very long time. Another one of the very dependable members we have in the tribe.
6. DeepSheet - Very hardworking and selfless guy. One of the unsung heroes we have in the tribe. Nukes, sends lots of support and does whatever is needed in a way that (always) exceeds expectations.
7. Bailan in Ibelin - co-played and is co-played pretty well. Grows fast, aggressive, defends great and works well with everyone. Pretty awesome guy to have in the tribe.
8. Ibid - hardly talks but always does what is requested. Don't know much about this guy but he seems pretty solid.
9. Pudog - Loves to use (a lot of) cats. People generally love mates who uses a lot of cats.
10.Bad Influence - has a very good understanding of the game, very dependable and is a pleasure to work with. Like Pudog, he uses a lot of cats. Always a plus if you ask me. :)
11. Spitthedummy - very aggressive and takes the proactive approach when it comes to contributing to the tribe's cause. Glad to have this guy on my squad.

12. Guy from Solo (forgot his name) who had low-point villages and huge nukes. Love the idea and the dedication to stick to it.
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