Dream Team


They have been awesome tribes in the past yes :icon_razz:

Could be nice to see it here as well. Would like to see how strong the tribes in this world really are, when it really begin.


Pervis, ashmodai, sp.ag, ibo, chief ganja, jamm, gbc, hokkou/sneasel, purple predator.


they are all top 20 players from other worlds... not all playing in here.. gotta love em thought...

Jamm - for his game knowlegde
Lady Katherine - staying up there every game while helping tribemates.. great asset
Paxthorax - for his expansion skills
Niklam - team player with
Garrock - and alias... great leader and player all at once
Zoquelle - I mean.. top player in any game he played
Karmalot - Excellence in everything he does.. #1 in W17-18 and 35
Schoko - great player
Arrow123 - sooo active
Denise81 - incredibly active and talented :p great team player
Pervis - never played with but arguying on a leadership guide is fun.. maybe one day i'll see it live :p
-Owned- : enought said
Bloodhood : great tactician.. great player

I could keep up but gotta stop somewhere... oh one last :

Wickerman : Never saw someone start as many worlds as him :p so for perseverance :p


Same as wall I can't just do 5.

Openeye-All around just great player and one of the friendly ones.

TheWall/DITM - Just can't seem to beat me in anything, and am hurt that I am not in his top :icon_cry:.

Tic Toc- Amazing PnP poster not sure his Alias but he is very good.

Pervie- Some of the best PnP,great leader and a member of this community that everyone knows

Puple Predator- Great player and cool to talk to.

Duffbdat- Taught me a lot about the game and have had some great times with him.

sP.Ag - Great leader, and player. I have had talks with him and consider him a friend.

If I forgot you let me know this is off the top of my head though.
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Aaqibs list is definetly a great tribe. Though most of the members have been in Random and kinky it will be fun to have all of them in one tribe.

@luke you couldnt see your name in between the list or did he just edit it after that?


1. Can I Beat the System
2. Teh Nub Cookie
3. Robin Hood
4. Don Mikel
5. Clancy-2008

Experience Always wins


Damn it. My blabbering hasn't swayed the minds of the inexperienced.