Anyone Here?


Make sigs?

Looking for a really good sig maker that may even get PP if its impressive :icon_wink:

Post here if you can and i will PM you.


We have a graphics thread for that :icon_surprised:

//requested lock to prevent floodage.


Guess i should have really checked first, been a while since i was in W24 forum so don't hate me plox :(

Can lock this now, someone PM'd me


Lock it, but look in the other section of W24 for another siggeh/avatar maker in case my work is not to your liking. usually takes me a few times depending on how tired I am. ^^''


Kk, as the owner of the deed to the slave that is deadsocks, I hearby compel you to make me a siggy by this time next Tuesday! Or else!


Socks did it, so I presumed it was okay. Socks rules.

See what I did there?
But when Socks did it, it wasn't one word, directed at one person who may or may not not play TW anymore (who had already requested the thread to be locked), which was posted on the behalf of another person, quite likely against their will. If Socks wanted to post something like that, rather than piss all over the forums she'd send a PM. If Socks was desperate to promote the work of her friend dr. Sully, she'd first consult Sully before creating a seperate thread showcasing his talents, probably in the graphics-specific area of the forums.

She didn't want to waste bandwidth by making a whole new thread when an old comrade had created a thread for it already. She knew if she made a new thread about it, people would probably tell her "hey, there's a thread about this already, don't you remember?" and she feared such comments to the extent that she was driven into necromancy... In her mind, a thread about dreaming, unlike one about a more specific and practical question or about current TW politics, was always somewhat current and relevant. Because people, besides KK, will always need sleep.

Frankly, I think you shouldn't take someone like Socks as your role model. I don't like to gossip about people, but really... consider the kinds of people she keeps company with, and some of the things she has been credited with doing in the past... Not to mention the whole vanishing act :icon_rolleyes:

If you're really losing sleep over people who played months ago being unable to find a sigmaker, how's about you just do a forum search for the letter "e" or something (it'll be in almost every post) in reverse order of post recency, and send a pm to all those lacking a signature in their posts?


KK does not need sleep. Hasn't in the past, either. Why start now?

The vanishing act was fishy, yeah. I still suspect the Dutch mafia, but have never been able to uncover any facts :icon_cry:


Conversation with King Geldwolf said:
[10:20:59] Socks: Hello, did you kidnap me?

*sounds of a guilty silence*
Is that evidence enough?


That wall of text scares me, but the soothing grey colour makes me feel slightly better.


That wall of text scares me, but the soothing grey colour makes me feel slightly better.

It is spaced, there is no wall o' text. >.<

But when Socks did it, it wasn't one word, directed at one person who may or may not not play TW anymore (who had already requested the thread to be locked), which was posted on the behalf of another person, quite likely against their will. If Socks wanted to post something like that, rather than piss all over the forums she'd send a PM. If Socks was desperate to promote the work of her friend dr. Sully, she'd first consult Sully before creating a seperate thread showcasing his talents, probably in the graphics-specific area of the forums.

She didn't want to waste bandwidth by making a whole new thread when an old comrade had created a thread for it already. She knew if she made a new thread about it, people would probably tell her "hey, there's a thread about this already, don't you remember?" and she feared such comments to the extent that she was driven into necromancy... In her mind, a thread about dreaming, unlike one about a more specific and practical question or about current TW politics, was always somewhat current and relevant. Because people, besides KK, will always need sleep.

Frankly, I think you shouldn't take someone like Socks as your role model. I don't like to gossip about people, but really... consider the kinds of people she keeps company with, and some of the things she has been credited with doing in the past... Not to mention the whole vanishing act :icon_rolleyes:

If you're really losing sleep over people who played months ago being unable to find a sigmaker, how's about you just do a forum search for the letter "e" or something (it'll be in almost every post) in reverse order of post recency, and send a pm to all those lacking a signature in their posts?

O gawd. <3


That's like me saying, 'Ewok, your smell isn't quite so bad today,' on the internet.

I cannot smell you.