As seen by the bright red text


I am your new mod.
It's only temporary though. I'm ought to be replaced in like half a month, so don't grow on me too much. I'm bad at goodbyes.

I'm sure you know the drill:
  • General amnesty: I won't be modding posts made previous to my arrival. If I accidentally do, please let me know.
    If you've accumulated some infractions in the past, you'll get a second chance, but I'll know when you're just trying to profit from the situation.
  • Reminder of the rules: Yes, the same rules still apply. I'm sure you all read them every day.
    One thing to be noted it that I am rather severe on profanity. Basically, don't try to censor your own posts, it most likely won't save you. For example: **** or [explicit] will be moderated.
    I'm an ok guy for other things though.
  • Something about me: I am ICECO, who would've thought. Some people mistake my deep disgust of everything that grows (or shrinks, for that matter) for humour. Don't be misled. I am human, play(ed) TW and occasionally care for personal hygiene, so I am not that different from any of you.

Inb4 "hello ICECO" and "how long will this mod last"


The last game i played we had no mods on the forums and the admins where awful. ^_^

[just saying a point. =)]


Double post. You started off on the wrong foot, matey.


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Welcome, new mod!!

As many mods before you, im quite sure that you and i will be speaking quite frequently via pms and infraction notices. :p

Looking forward to it!!!



I thought I was going to have to actually be active. Why thank you, Ice. :D


In order to watch the forums you need a game account to know the forum adress.
If you make a forum acc with no game account anywhere, all will believe is a troll account.


This new mod is very active, he is cleaning everything.

All the girls will want to marry him now , lucky him.


Wait you guys drove away Marryat?

And you forgot inb4 ohai ICECO