Why NME Sucks


Tuz is provoking.

Anyways, full evidence to back up my claims regarding Nemesis will be posted soon so stay tuned. And Tuz, if I see one more attempt at you making a joke out of me will be met by me unvealing all the trash you have hidden beneath your fingernails.

Let me assure you, there's no dirt under his fingernails. The navy has strict standards for hygiene


soooooooooo the secret is out there playing tribal wars ???


I felt like making a dumb joke real quick, so ye...
Now back to my King Hadeus account.


Fact is, this guy, KING HADEOUS ( or prince because I'm the king ;) ) need to show his name in game.

Even if he doesn't, that doesnt even matter. He keeps saying NME is a damn huggerly active tribe, but you probably got no love. If you really think NME is a bad tribe, go ahead, hit them as hard as you can. I swear that if you have facts over any thing you say, I will bow down to you and ask for an apology and regret that I made this post but still will help you with whatever I can, if you at least can back up a couple of facts.

-Olt, TableForOne


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I will give you a very detailed reason for why you suck, backed up with proof, once I get on a computer. So bear with me.

Patience mortals. He'll blow our minds as soon as he gets to a computer. He's isolated in some cave, so it takes time to reach a populated area with an actual computer...
Just don't leave us hanging for too last God Hadeous


You are sad. You wanted to merge with NME untill Patrick(SOLO-) turned his back on you.

Oh no! My dirty knickers are out in public now! Whatever will I do?

The ones I know are unthinkable to most, trust me. Tuz plays and plans dirty. If he keeps provoking me, I will unveal them all

What are you going to mention? Me 'culling' members? Sorry man, Loyal already pointed that one out a long time ago, and I responded in kind. I cut deadweight when it comes up. To think that is culling is just asinine. I plan for everything. If dirt is thrown in my eyes, I throw it right back. I await your unveiling eagerly.

Tuz is provoking.

Anyways, full evidence to back up my claims regarding Nemesis will be posted soon so stay tuned. And Tuz, if I see one more attempt at you making a joke out of me will be met by me unvealing all the trash you have hidden beneath your fingernails.

Do it. Post everything you've got. I guarantee there are people throughout the world that already know and have already come to grips with whatever you can post.

Oh wait I have to make a joke...ermm....bare with me, I'm not good on the spot like this...

Why is King Hadeus so bitter towards the world?

Because Persephone loved NME and Growth much more than she could ever love him. (I know it was Hades. Close enough)


After a prolonged and busy day, I finally have the time to sit down and back up my claims with evidence and/or proof, per request of many inhabitants of these forums.

I will quote myself, and then provide the evidence for that specific line/statement.

They're basically trying to recruit themselves to victory.


As you can see, they have by far the most members of any tribe in the world. The runner up is Dark Nation with 39 members.

Not to mention that they were capped not long ago


The concepts of loyalty, teamwork and consistency are unknown to them.


Just look at this mess. People come and go for one reason or another, on almost daily basis. Let's compare this to Growth.


Few internals that went barb, that's pretty much it.

NME has, by far, the most tribe changes of any tribe in the world.(see original post, where evidence and comparison to Growth is posted)

They are recruiting mediocre, disloyal and inactive to semi-active players


At 48 members, only 2 had a growth of 1m+ pts. Whole bunch of these insects are below 100k.


Ignoring the knuckleheads that are being internalled, Growth has more output in terms of points. And keep in mind Growth has significantly less members and thus firepower than NME. Not to mention bigger points per player aswell as points per village on Growths side.

NME has no meaning. All it is are random pixels scrambled across the screen. People joining NME have no intention of staying in it. (one of my personal favourites was Andrew on Supa Hot Fire, I sure did facepalm myself after that one :D). They recruited half of Loyal as soon as it got rough for them and Growth started pounding, and the leaders of a diarrhea-causing, vomit-inducing, facepalm-worthy tribe called NME think these people will stand by and fight for them, back them up etc? Doubt it.

I am not a troll nor do I have the ambition of becoming one in the nearer future, however some people here will try to convince you that I am.

You will never know who I am in-game. I am very powerful and influental.

If that's true, if you don't know who I am, then maybe your best course of action would be to tread lightly.
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Growth is like a family to me. It's been that way for a long time. I would bleed for them. On the other hand, If forced to I will bring them down together with NME, all because of one individual forcing me to do so. Tuz, your dirty secrets are Growths dirty secrets. Keep that in mind

Your no family member of mine, you can't say you would bleed for us if you wouldnt bleed for the bossman, because the rest of us would {figuratively). Tuz has been the most honest leader i have ever worked with, he tells us outright what the plans are does not hide things. I have had no other leader willing to say publicly to a tribe what is going to happen and what is going on in the world around us like Tuz has and damnit it has worked. When you do come out of your shell you will have no damning information only facts that everyone who would need to know knew already.


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Tread lightly? Really? We literally dont know who you are lol ... At least Hank knew who Heisenberg was = Walter White (since you're using another BB reference). In your case we don't know which acct you play on, so you scare no-one anonymous bitch (like Jesse would say)

As for our recruitment policy which is the ONLY point you make yet again, 2 of the biggest and most skilled individuals we recruited faced a huge OP and hundreds of nukes and thousands of incs the weekend Growth declared. I'm talking about lapakas/Warpro, people who was very possible they'd join us after Loyal went down, which was going to happen with or without Growth's involvement. Growth speed things up and put our war to an end.
We recruited only people who never trashtalked NME and have at least accepted our deserved victory and we've taken them in and see them as equals.
We kick and internal people who don't contribute or don't respect our dukes' authority and decisions. If you're in NME you have to earn it. The only one who had the honour to be in NME for a LOT longer than he ever deserved was Tehonzuk, but we couldn't just kick him, due to his extremely significant position on the map.

As for people who come in NME and have no intention in staying, that's just ridiculously wrong. The last person who left on his own was Black eyed raven because he thought Loyal would leave him alone if he wasn't in NME. Before him, i can't think of someone who left on their own... We are a top tribe with top players, some of the best in the world and with 2 of the greatest dukes i've ever played for, OTD , who i'm proud to be TW brother with for ~7 years and Dagan, a guy who gained my respect since the day he took over after Sobaks quit (and i dont respect people very easily).
You can bark and cry about our latest recruitings. It's obvious that's the only thing that bothers you, that people like lapakas and other big/skilled players chose NME over going down with Sam or potentially joining Growth (in case Tuz offered them that opportunity, i speak only hypothetically for the latter).

I don't know how the world will end, with war or merge, but if it's the first you should reveal your in game identity. You make it personal by targeting my tribe but you hide behind the King Hadeous alias fearing we'll bang you like the little whore you are. You're the new joke of w74 that even your own people disagree 100% with you. Loser

P.S. I didn't know i'm supposed to noble 100+ vills a week to be considered active ... F*cking Warpro and bullet nobling like crazy making the rest seem like we quit :(((


Your no family member of mine, you can't say you would bleed for us if you wouldnt bleed for the bossman, because the rest of us would {figuratively). Tuz has been the most honest leader i have ever worked with, he tells us outright what the plans are does not hide things. I have had no other leader willing to say publicly to a tribe what is going to happen and what is going on in the world around us like Tuz has and damnit it has worked. When you do come out of your shell you will have no damning information only facts that everyone who would need to know knew already.

Most honest leader? Seriously? He's kept the merge plan in secret from you guys for months, only revealing it once the plan failed due to SOLO turning Tuzain down. I know things only a few people inside, and even less outside of Growth, know. He is nothing close to being honest.


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The ones I know are unthinkable to most, trust me. Tuz plays and plans dirty. If he keeps provoking me, I will unveal them all

I've grabbed pop-corn and Tuz himself said go ahead ...
Give to the people what they want. Reveal all the dirty laundry. It's not like anything will change. Keep us entertained or we'll soon lose interest. You're already becoming repetitive...

Also, it's funny how you call me butthurt, but you made a whole thread about how butthurt YOU are about NME. Like lesss said, you're such a hypocrite :lol:


I've found myself in a dead end here. If I tell everyone here the plans Tuz has(and he's got a handful), I risk having myself exposed and then inevitably kicked from the tribe. The moment I start talking, he will know who I am as he keeps very good track of who knows what.

Guess I went ahead of myself on this one. Hmm...

Any ideas?


Actually, I'm too important to get kicked from the tribe, but all my source(s) of intel would be cut off and I'd have nothing.


I've found myself in a dead end here. If I tell everyone here the plans Tuz has(and he's got a handful), I risk having myself exposed and then inevitably kicked from the tribe. The moment I start talking, he will know who I am as he keeps very good track of who knows what.

Guess I went ahead of myself on this one. Hmm...

Any ideas?

You started this whole thing you better damn well end it with all this information you think you have.


Most honest leader? Seriously? He's kept the merge plan in secret from you guys for months, only revealing it once the plan failed due to SOLO turning Tuzain down. I know things only a few people inside, and even less outside of Growth, know. He is nothing close to being honest.

I am not saying the minute tuz has a twinkle in his eye that he should tell us or would tell us. I am saying he will tell us and he lays everything out doesnt hold back.


For those of you wondering, no I am not in Growth. But I got someone who is, and he is doing a damn good job at giving me everything I need to know(not to mention I have acces to his account-coplay if you will). I know more about what goes inside Growth than most members of Growth do.


BTW no account is too important. any account can be cleaned out.


For those of you wondering, no I am not in Growth. But I got someone who is, and he is doing a damn good job at giving me everything I need to know(not to mention I have acces to his account-coplay if you will). I know more about what goes inside Growth than most members of Growth do.
Then what was this statement
Growth is like a family to me. It's been that way for a long time. I would bleed for them.
We dont have people like you outside the tribe only inside worth bleeding for us
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