What's the minimum time between nobles on 100.....

Shameful Sinner

HI guys ,
Sorry for making my own thread but I needed to ask this, because I thought there was a .50 millisecond limit on noble trains. It came from close by so it could not be sniped .
Anyway here's the times of a train please tell me if it's legal or not , I've contacted support so it's in there hands, and your my friends .

I look forward to your messages

Shameful Sinner

True but it's close to braking the rules ?

I'm just asking advice because it's not possible to do unless your using the bot I've been told .


I can get 50ms on my phone using the standard "add nobleman" attack

Whats the shortest min usually ?

100 ms ???

Attack on Barbarian village () K55 today at 15:47:49:237 0:34:36
Attack on Barbarian village () K55 today at 15:47:49:287 0:34:36
Attack on Barbarian village () K55 today at 15:47:49:337

a.K.a elmoo

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
There is a difference in having gap between nobles and gap between any of the 2 attacks that are sent. First one is default setting, the second one is skill. The closer the better (in most of the cases)


True but it's close to braking the rules ?

I'm just asking advice because it's not possible to do unless your using the bot I've been told .
It is possible to time if you want to learn then i want you to read about DS-Timer which is ms timer. If you practise enough you can do it too.


Hahah thats so pathetic
I can send in 12 ms with calculator

Mr. Cringer Pants

send me 2 attacks with 12ms difference than...
Idiot comes here to brag!

About the post this is 100% legal
Hahah thats so pathetic
I can send in 12 ms with calculator

This is impossible from 1 village unless you somehow bypass serverside limits or send at different troop speeds.

This is possible timing with different villages.
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Been away for awhile, we used to use opera in the old days.... to send trains .... and especially fakes... anyone still use it?


Is nothing wrong there...Train has 50 ms between nobles and he timmed clearing close to the train. You don’t need a bot for that...

Mr. Cringer Pants

Been away for awhile, we used to use opera in the old days.... to send trains .... and especially fakes... anyone still use it?

Ya it's still used by a few people but it's not supported, has some security issues you might need to work around, is much slower and has pretty specific functions. Chrome is getting better with shortcuts/hotkeys and allowing you to use javascript. There are some approved methods but you need to do your research and ask the mod team.

Yeah looks like a bot to me bro.

LOL! FAKEYPRESS farming looks like a bot to me, brah. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC....

A clearing nuke 128 MS before the train is just timing before a 50ms train sent legally. Nothing wrong at all.

Actually, from a neuromuscular standpoint, a motorneuron can have a reaction time of 8-12 MS in professional athletes. Neurons fire every 5ms as scientific evidence suggests. Once you learn how to account for lag and condition your timing, it's not hard to time snipes between nobles 1+2+3+4(especially on a 100ms world) and even get cleaning nukes to land tighter. I've albeit luckily had nukes land within 5ms of a train. Once, again luckily, I even sniped exactly on the MS, support lands first in this case. Lag spikes can alter this greatly.

A few tips:

1.) Get DS/MS timer mentioned above.
2.) You can tap or set a pendulum to train your timing. Break the second into 4-5 beats and it's not that hard. Fast paced video games require you to react within 100-250 ms of a specific cue, be it a flash of light or animation. Most MMORPG or FPS have this type of gameplay. Younger gamers between 13-25 have an advantage.
3.) Play music that has a repetitive beat to it.
4.) Practice timing on barbs.


Damn timings. Probably the biggest weakness in my gameplay - I've had occasions when I've tested lag of ~2 seconds twenty or thirty times in the 10 minutes before a snipe, then had a five second spike for the real thing :( I blame Australia.

Mr. Cringer Pants

Now when you say so, timing attacks and support in a Time lower than 50ms is illegal

I'm confused by what you are implying but, if it were, I'd as well as every top tribe's members that won a world would literally have been banned 1000's of times from various worlds. Sniping a train with more than one attempt would also be illegal. A mod taught me these rules personally in w50 and I've applied them to dozens of worlds without ever having an issue. I'm either misinterpreting you or you're misinterpreting the rules.

On a side note, actions are not limited to attacks and support. I.e. market resource balancing can be done in less then 50ms legally as well as report evaluation. As examples.

Maybe I'm interpreting your post incorrectly. Kind of confused.