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    Scavenging Mass scavenging overview++

    Base script: Scavenging - Mass scavenging Overview page | Tribal Wars - EN I made it count the resources you will gain. If only_summarize flag is false then it write separately how many wood, clay and iron you will get, if true, it only summerizes the 3 resource. At the bottom it shows how...
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    Misc New Quest system reward counter

    You have to put this to one of your keyboard numbers. Open the rewards in the new quest system, press the binded button and claim one reward. After it a popup will show how many resources do you have in rewards.
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    Misc Total production counter

    Run this in one ofe your groups in Production view, and it counts your total hourly and daily production.
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    Misc Build and troop template calculator

    It can help you calculate your troops and build templates easily. You can save (Mentés) or import/export or delete (Törlés) your templates. It is fully Hungarian, but using the small pictures what we all understand, so it can be used here easily.
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    Map/Coord Coord grabber from map

    Run the script, click on the villages you want to grab, and it grabs them into a text box under the minimap. There are two variables in the script: bbkodos: 'nem', ujsor: 'igen' bbkodos means the grabbed coords has coord tag or not. 'igen' means true, 'nem' means false ujsor means that how we...
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    Troop Counter/Vault Incoming support counter into a village

    Run the script in the single village view, and counts the the supports going to a village by command sharing
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    Map/Coord Mass coordinates grabber (extract coordinates from any page)

    Grabs all the coordinates from the page where you are at.
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    Misc Request for support converter (add unit icon on support request)

    Use the script on the request to support label which you want to post on forum:
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    Misc Report-to-forum converter (add spoiler on reports)

    Before run the script: After the script ran: