‡Wolf-Pack‡ WANTS YOU! - ‡WP‡


‡Wolf-Pack‡ - ‡WP‡ Wants YOU!


Contact king_lawrie, longy or Kenzor ingame to JOIN NOW!

We are looking for decent active players (both in game and in forums!) no matter what your rank is! :icon_surprised:

" ‡Mess with a wolf, Die by the pack‡ "

What ‡Wolf-Pack‡ Offers!

*We are very organised

*‡Wolf-Pack‡ has plenty of Games & Competitions...with PRIZES! :icon_razz:

*Great Allies!

*Experienced players that can give you invaluable advice and help!

*‡Wolf-Pack‡ does what we can to make it as fun as possible!

*‡Wolf-Pack‡ is constantly coming up with new ways to better itself!

‡Wolf-Pack‡ is young but full of Potential..... and great members! :villagers:

If you have any enquiries then please contact RageDiablo