
<.<, O.o, O.O.... eye mouth eye or eye nose eye??

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Its a MOUTH. Hence why O_O = O.O and >.< = >_< and 0.o = 0_o

Have you people ever heard of A RECTANGULAR NOSE? NOEZ!!!

Ijje is right.


I think it's an ear personally :) Why didn't you put that in the vote?


Im not playing anymore...i got a life, still chek in few mins a day so i can read this and feel beter haha

haha. the fact that you come on at all disprives that all heh :p if you're really so much better better, why do you still have an account, and why do you have to come on to make yourself feel better? :icon_neutral: doesn't make much sense :icon_wink:


hmm i typed sumn very bad, but i shall wait until a later date as im sure i would get punished as ur a mod and every1 loves you cos ur a girl

So you're saying everyone loves girls?

Or are you saying everyone loves vio because she's a girl?

I'll give you a hint though... both are wrong. : D


You should.

If you go on cause of mailing, why do you check the forums then and reply in the threads? I call excuses :lol:

Anyways, I think this thread can be closed now, the poll is pretty much dead and we know who won :p (I know who REALLY won though! :D )
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haha man, yet again you're making no sense :p you're getting so worked up over this, when she was just stating some common sense. If you don't care then why are you on the forums? If you only need to mail and deal with some things then go do that, but coming on here and especially getting all worked up over this makes you a victim of your own accusations heh. Just chill, and if you really do wanna quit, then just quit man ;p


You are so damn cool. This is your THING isnt it. You take what someone saays and try and disprove it. wow ur jus amazing, i wish i was more like you and had loads of internet friends and we can all have little private jokes and say that each other looks hot in the wierd photos we take of ourselves....that would be a a huge improvent hahahahahaa

Yea I'm just that awesome ya know :icon_cool:

Rob, seriously don't you have anything better to do than try to flame a random person you never met and make yourself feel better that way?

If you have so many friends why don't you hang out with them instead of being bothered to even go on the forums for an "important" mail? ;)

Where's ddog when you need him <_<
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