Actual Top 10 Tribes


In all seriousness, this world has yet to really have a thread discussing the potential best tribes. It has either had a top 10 underdogs, or the actual top 10.

I would like to see if anyone would want to make a top 10 list including both actual top 10, and underdogs, in a ranking system based on their interpretation of the skill and ability of the 10 listed tribes. Review war stats, conflicts, diplomacy and map placement.

This is just a suggestion as I think it would be interesting. I'm not going to do it myself. I'm sure there are those who would be better capable of doing it.

I'm just tired of seeing top rank tribes getting placed in lists for no reason other than points, or low ranked "underdogs" placing themselves on lists to feel special. Let's see some stats boys and girls. Who REALLY is the best on 89?


I think it is a good idea and could provide some interesting interpretations


Please liven up the forums a bit. I did quite enjoy your top 5 worst tribes.