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I'm looking for a script that calculates the resources generated per hour in each village from reports. Ideally it would grab reports like the NAFS farm shaping tool, which lets you run the script from the 'attacks' reports and just goes through them reading all the info one by one. Then it would either export all the info for you in a handy or let you choose how long you've been away for and calculate the res generated in every farm since then and send out the accurate number of troops (or ideally both). Essentially an SRE except it doesn't care about the res that's actually in the village already. I've never used a script that does this exactly, but hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult to make.


hey I am looking for scripts that actually work... all the old scripts that start with Http are broken, so if you all have any current scripts that have https in them that would be awesome. I need a op planner, good script maker(ie gramps script) and others.