Back Stabbers


LOL backstabbers are the best you already know when they are on-line kill them... or you could play tribalhugs... wow gotta love criers lol


Warrior you must remember that when the world first started you and your tribe where bigger then mine. We surpassed you, giving us every right to break your alliance. It was just not working. Also this world does not have many backstabbers. I would rank this world 10-11 at the most.

Lover of warriors pally,


i know lol
it just kinda is annoying when your long time ally goes to war against you
its more of an annoyance

Sorry to point out the obvious, but this world isn't old enough to have a long time ally. Now when it gets to be a year or two old, then you could possibly say this. Event then, allies have become enemies and vice versa. It's called balance of power and eat the weak. As was stated earlier, it's every tribes' right to drop relations with their allies when they see they are of no longer a benefit, but rather a liability and or hinderence to their own growth and or direction. Weak allies tend to put one's own tribe at risk.

Suck it up and drive on.
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