Chasing Interviews- Stay or Go

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Please give me a poll here humbletree with just stay or go, and they can vote anonymously and 1 vote per person please. :icon_rolleyes:

We could IF we are allowed to use it as the chase sucks so bad thread, so that THAT conversation which happens every where i go, could all be kept in one place. No offtopicing threads.
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It's just a few trolls?

I think we should just keep doing them if nothing else but to anger them.


Humbletree might put a poll up and the interview one will stay or go depending on teh poster and READERS votes. And I thought this one could be also used for the collective we hate chase thread, i get like 14 a world, and the mods stay busy trying to keep it to one. So hurry someone come insult me so everyone knows WHERE to do it at.

Hell I can't even snipe, never have been able to. Never since i started playing tw.


do your interviews no poll needed :p stop trying to get more attention and just do your interviews look forward to reading them :)


Where the heck are these interviews anyways?

P.S hi.



You gonna be nice now miwok? But i do need a thread for insulting me every world i get in trouble when thread go off topic onto the topic of me. And seriously, i am so dang busy if I wasn't doing interviews too I would have more time for having much more fun. I want to know, does the world want it here or gone as well. I think my reader base is quite large, but most don't post a lot on forum.


Stop being a sook. I've never denied anyone the right to make a thread. I just critique what's in said thread, so next time, hopefully, it's better to read.

Just add actual substance to your interviews is all I've been saying. Even your belovved Jirki agrees in one of your actual real life wtfux posted interviews! :icon_confused:

[1:45:00 PM] Jirki88: well, if it's gonna be an interview, then you *might* wanna consider giving them some questions... :| (Source)
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if anyone dosnt like your interviews they can post here with there ign an dme and my massive oda will crush them :p


I don't know what to think about them... and you know my ign :p so come crush me.


[1:45:00 PM] Jirki88: well, if it's gonna be an interview, then you *might* wanna consider giving them some questions... :| (Source)

That's funnier than shit..
I saw that in a chat the other day and was giving chase a hard time about it...and now it's here :lol:


uhh if we used language like that ^^^^ in the w13 forums wed be nailed to the wall.... just saying


This is going nowhere, and is literally just a load of flaming. Chase, whether or not you continue your interviews is up to you. YOu have been given constructive criticism about them, and people have given you their opinions. Whether you keep the same style, whether you change it... all your choice.

As a final note, it's a fairly constant rule that only one thread should exist on any one topic at the same time. If people wish to discuss Chase's interviews, it should be done in the interview thread.

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