Chirstmas truce?


I haven't spoken to anyone else about this, my tribe might even be against it for all I know.

What do you all think about having a week NAP over Christmas? All major tribes not attacking each other for 1 week?

From 24th December - 2nd January

I know this game can take over for a lot of people, and it might be nice for people to get a holiday without worrying about logging in and tagging every 5 minutes.

I know this could easily be abused if some people were a bit nasty, but maybe we could come to some global agreement that anyone who broke this NAP would be rimmed by all tribes or something?

Anyway, just a thought to bring a bit of relief to people at a special time of year. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, I am sure you would agree that an agreed break from this game would be a good thing, and we would all come back fighting stronger than before! :)

So, what do people think?


They usually make a non attacking time, during the holiday break sometime anyway. No attacks can land during that time. Usually a week or so.


Yeah, but I think thats only over 3 days though I may be incorrect.
Just a suggestion.


There will be a vote on it as there was last year:

What is an attack break?

An attack break is when attacks "visit" during the attack break period. Attacks will not do any damage, collect any resources, or scouting information. Attacks can be sent during this time period.

Majority vote will be implemented on all worlds.

We have provided players with an extra choice this year for a new years and/or Christmas break as some people celebrate one or both holidays.

There are four choices, choose wisely.

Discussion Here

Yes I want a break from the 23rd until the 26th and the 30th to the 1st, for Christmas and New Years
30463 80.07%
Yes I want a break for Christmas from the 23rd until the 27th of December
909 2.39%
No I dont want a break, I want to attack over both holiday periods.
6039 15.87%
Yes I want a break but only for New Years from the 29th to the 1st.
634 1.67%
Votes cast: 38045

So that was the poll from last year, conducted December 10, so there will be one coming round shortly I should imagine. As for the actual discussion, I do not think that you can reply upon the integrity of W27 players to hold in such a fashion, if it is not official, some players will use it as an opportunity to seek an advantage. You suggest unilateral sanctions against rule breakers, but what if Shadow abuses it, many tribes are already at war with us anyway, it's a laughable prospect. And indeed some of us do not really care for an attack break beyond the above parameters, it doesn't seem necessary.

It's a nice idea sweeney, but I think that you will have to request the option of a break of that period of time be added to the options, and then hope that it is voted upon for anything to happen. The vast majority did vote for the longest break indicating that many of us would appreciate it, and that was at a time when accounts were far smaller on average and there were less wars to fight. But unless it is codified and voted upon, it will not be adhered to endemically.

I have been informed that the voting is done across all worlds, making it even more difficult to make this official. I think were going to have to settle for the usual.
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