Commy and Quoir list


So now it's good to be commy and quoir? What is it with you? :icon_eek:

I never sayed it good to be commy and quoir. I is just sayin that stoopid peuple who aint reeded the Ken James Bibul sumtime thank it ok to be commy and quoir. It rely aint good at all becuz you go to hell for it and I is tryin to safe peuple and allso stop commy and quoir from distroyin world and takin monie.


U.S. aint commy unles you talkin abowt Dimocrat states like San Farnsico.

Canada commy. It allso suck but it aint no thret. I heer it cold enuff to freize your balls off up thier.

China aint free. It commy and quoir.

Hey, Canada ain't no commy country, and its not too cold here, i go outside in the middle of the winter (-15C) with no coat or sweater on, the key is in how drunk u are.


lol i've done that without even a drop of alcohol leon, i did it in shorts to


I never sayed it good to be commy and quoir. I is just sayin that stoopid peuple who aint reeded the Ken James Bibul sumtime thank it ok to be commy and quoir. It rely aint good at all becuz you go to hell for it and I is tryin to safe peuple and allso stop commy and quoir from distroyin world and takin monie.

Clickpanic this is not entirely true. the first fact you should know is that communism has many different forms...It began as Marxism from Karl Marx's book, The Communist Manifesto, however it can be traced back much farther. It was developed into what you call "Communism" by Vladimere Lenin in Russia.. he used communism, or what is today refferred to as "Leninism" to unify Russia into the USSR and a great boom in the economy. leninism actually worked very well. This was until stalin took power. He feared defeat, thus killing all of the peope who did not hjave faith in him. His methods are today reffered to as "Stalinism"
mao Zedong eventually took power in china and created the red gaurd as well as his "red book" forcing communist ideals onto people. many people think he was crazy, others think misunderstood, but it does not matter...he eventually developed the very first socialism, a marxist socialism, which worked, though he may have been very corrupt and lacking in human rights...Kim Il Song led North Korea, i think he still does today I have no idea but he and stalin are the only two I willa ctually refer to as a certified nutjob...

When you call democracy communism you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Democracy is what the communist fight to get rid of, while Democracy fights to get rid of (suppress rather) communism. And San Francisco is not a state. Little do you know clickpanic, the ideals you express here highly represent those of communism...

On another note...
The only countries I can think of today who are still communist are:
North Korea
and some Asian company...


your missing cuba
atleast i think they are still communist


technically yes...but fidel castro is its his son...


yes but i THINK that the son is more open to new ideals...


U.S. aint commy unles you talkin abowt Dimocrat states like San Farnsico.

Canada commy. It allso suck but it aint no thret. I heer it cold enuff to freize your balls off up thier.

China aint free. It commy and quoir.
the US isnt a democracy its a federalism. used to be a democracy but its a federalism now.
National govt. and state govt. national has a little more power then state. Elector college elects the President not the mob. They made it as little democracy as possible. Senators are not chosen by the ppl, either are the reps or congress.
thts a federalism.:lol: