[DED] is recruiting! 'Don't Even Dare' to ignore this.


Looking for a friendly tribe?
Want the leader to be experienced?

Why not join [DED] a tribe which has only started recently but is gaining members which have continued to grow within their own little village!!

Also, if there is something you don't like within the tribe. I am not self-centered and will 'dismiss you because your not happy with the tribe'
I will simply take the matter, and change it for the better of the tribe :D

Criticism can be the best form of improvement!

So, just PM 'AnimalCarina' on World 52. And after a quick account sit, you may be accepted!

The account sit is to make sure you're playing well and you know what you're doing. It also helps me see where you may need help in improving and I will be there all the way :D

Leader of [DED]

P.S Any questions feel free to post here :)