Disbanding a tribe


agreed, but you dont have the right to disband a tribe otherwise. Being an account sitter isn't exploiting the power of the account. Its to look after it responsibly.

You broke the rules by exploiting the account. That in turn does create damage to the account.

Account sitting is a genius idea. It helps the players in the long run. However, I think any account being sat, the account sitter should be locked out of any tribal functions unless the account is being sat from an equally privileged account. That would solve the lot of the messes I've seen on TW since I started this game at the first of this year. And granted, I've only played 2 worlds. That is pretty sad.

TW is about trust, you must first trust people to be a baron or help you run a tribe.You must trust allies to not turn on you and attack you.You must trust account sitter not to disband tribes, or mail tribe members causing arguments.

But what the hell, if allies didnt turn on there allies, there would be no wars between once allied tribes.If your barons never betrayed others, your tribe would always be at peace.If nothing happened to accounts, like disbandment no one would have personal enemies etc..

Everything happens for a reason, something good & bad comes from it.In this case, bad for me as everyone hates me.Good, we have a new tribe in this world.And someone else for everyone to war :icon_wink:

Its just a game...