Discussion: Version 7.4


Seems like TW just wanna penalise active farmers like myself.

Accusations of boting
BOT checks popiing up 12-15 times a day
No hauls worlds

Now limited hauls

Farmings part of the game
If you cant spend the time needed to farm maybe TW's not for you

Come on TW stop pampering to these players and stop spoiling the game for those of us who can play

I do believe it is to help keep players who cannot necessarily spend all their time farming and instead want to have a social life. :icon_wink:

I like it. Would still allow me to farm, but not take up all my time.. hmmm maybe i'll come back? :icon_wink:


Question is, if you have a no hauls world, what exactly would the point of attacking be? You just dodge the attack, and lose nothing. What is the point of such a concept? Also, militia, bad idea. Penalise a player for farming? That's silly. In my opinion, hauls should be increased. How about a world where the hauls are 10x, but you start with level 1 mines and cannot upgrade them. I'd like a world where it was impossible to play without farming.


Question is, if you have a no hauls world, what exactly would the point of attacking be? You just dodge the attack, and lose nothing. What is the point of such a concept? Also, militia, bad idea. Penalise a player for farming? That's silly. In my opinion, hauls should be increased. How about a world where the hauls are 10x, but you start with level 1 mines and cannot upgrade them. I'd like a world where it was impossible to play without farming.

no hauls=/=limited hauls.
Point of attacking on no hauls: removing threats and nobling.

Militia is a good thing, period.


Hmm. Still noticing problems with the pages in mass store (academy store screen). Sometimes I have to select 2 or 3 times before all packets are cleared (this is with 750 villages per page). I never had that problem before the 7.3 update when the pages were introduced; only if I jumped the gun a bit and pressed select before the page had finished loading. I also notice that sometimes the the resources available in some villages aren't correctly updating when I go into the page initially; they update after I've pressed the store button and the page updates (it's as though the script isn't retrieving the resources from all villages).

It's getting to be a major irritant - instead of storing from 3 pages for 3 groups (pre-7.3) with the occasional reselect, I'm now storing from 10, and selecting some pages 2 or 3 times. I thought the idea was to reduce clicks not to increase them.

(Firefox 6.0, Mac OS 10.5.8)


bout time they learnt to do updates without killing everybodys scripts
and ACCOUNT MANAGER should be boycotted till they make it part of normal premium and stop ripping us off charging extra for it
the price of premium alone has gone through the roof since i started 5 years ago and is now pricing people out of the game regulary
cmon TW we deserve better than this


bout time they learnt to do updates without killing everybodys scripts
and ACCOUNT MANAGER should be boycotted till they make it part of normal premium and stop ripping us off charging extra for it
the price of premium alone has gone through the roof since i started 5 years ago and is now pricing people out of the game regulary
cmon TW we deserve better than this

Erm no. Considering Am is unneccesary (I can copy all of the AM features more or less with excel and ingenuity). They can charge more for it, or you can be ingenious yourself.
The price of premium since TW began has increased twice, a total of about 30% per month. If we go by the CPI inflation rate, that accounts for 16% of the price increase. Gasoline rose a dollar in price in the last year. But yeah, TW PREMIUM IS THOUGH THE ROOF DOOD!
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I agree, We should make a noob world and a pro world.... Giving everyone an option to what they want to play.... Players to also vote for their own settings..

So why is it on world 57?? That will ruin my world..

It would have to be a poll on a certain amount of settings, thousands of people aren't going to agree on one thing.

Also think about this: The limit is for everybody else as well on W57 so you aren't singled out here :icon_biggrin:

And if you were being serious about the noob world and pro world.. Well that is just silly.


Seems like TW just wanna penalise active farmers like myself.

Accusations of boting
BOT checks popiing up 12-15 times a day
No hauls worlds

Now limited hauls

Farmings part of the game
If you cant spend the time needed to farm maybe TW's not for you

Come on TW stop pampering to these players and stop spoiling the game for those of us who can play

If only farmers stays, there would be only around 5k players, and they cant farm each other because there would be too much militia use and all that shit.


All the people complaining about this limited haul while most of them probably can't keep up with the good farmers anyway (or there must have been a big change in who are good) Also the complain earlier of the bot protection I can say I farmed a lot on 53 and I had problems with bot protection too, but I understand why it is there and it isn't that awefull.

Limited hauls looks like a good idea to me, this way you can get rewarded if you want to farm. Plus you are still able to keep your life kinda normal. And to the people asking for elite settings I laugh, most of them get bored after playing two weeks because they fail or are start up players. I think the last world that had good setting was W53 well I didn't saw any of the big complainers here doing good over there so please.


All the people complaining about this limited haul while most of them probably can't keep up with the good farmers anyway (or there must have been a big change in who are good) Also the complain earlier of the bot protection I can say I farmed a lot on 53 and I had problems with bot protection too, but I understand why it is there and it isn't that awefull.

Limited hauls looks like a good idea to me, this way you can get rewarded if you want to farm. Plus you are still able to keep your life kinda normal. And to the people asking for elite settings I laugh, most of them get bored after playing two weeks because they fail or are start up players. I think the last world that had good setting was W53 well I didn't saw any of the big complainers here doing good over there so please.
Well said.. I agree with this.