

We are looking for recruits in k22 and surrounding areas.. possibility of [Evil2] Interested send me a in game mail.


Don't know what your problems are, but lay off.

Hrms. M'in a generous mood, so... here:

Family tribes are generally loathed and mocked in tw by the 'long term' players. They (typically) are made up of people who don't know how to play, and think that the more members they have, and the more family branches, and the more allies they surround themselves with, the safer they are. This - whilst not only being a false sense of security - defeats the entire purpose of the game. If all you want to do is build up nice villages in a safe environment, y'should play sim city. This game s'about carefully orchestrated chaos, mayhem and obliteration of your enemies.

It's hard to do that if you have no enemies around you.

Sooo posting that you want to make a family tribe is basically asking for the response you just got. Dun stress it, just be aware that it's rare for the forums to support a family. If ya go down that path, you're pretty much asking for this sorta response in any PnP you make.

-mumbles something apologetic about being off-topic, but educational-


I really don't see what the fuss is about...

There is nothing wrong with a family tribe. I love family tribes.

Think about it for a moment or two...

1. If you do find a family tribe chances are most of the players are not very good so all they doing is growing your future villages for you while you take on the better players in your area.

2. Family tribes are great for your ODA.. Everyone knows that.

3. When you finally do declare war, how cool does it look when you list your stats like this

Tribe A


Tribe B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z

OMG!!! Its like the movie 300 except there more people in family tribe than in the army that attacked the Spartans..

Can I hear a "WOOP WOOP"



Any recruitment criteria? Any preferences? Who goes to the Evil2?

I am dying to find out.