

I bet there's a lot of people here who wouldn't have expected to see me saying this: But my number has come up and it's time for me to leave W27 and Tribal Wars in general :).

It has been a deadset pleasure fighting with so many awesome players and fantastic people. I have fulfilled my goals here, long ago and even fulfilled a few new ones :).

To all of you I wish an extremely good year, may God Bless each of you in everything you do.

Goodbye and Goodluck, I'll be around on the forums; there's a large "club" full of ex-Shadow players who seem to hang around so I'll be joining their ranks ;).

To the many people outside Shadow I have become friends with, you all know who you are: Good Luck, you'll need it ;).

The Wolf has left the building.


Well, I bid you fare well mate. Its been a pleasure chatting with you. I hope you'll be on skype from time to time.

Bye mate,
And good luck in RL.


Thanks LoB!

It's been a while :).

Replying to my own post and one things this may be construed as spam we'll see ;)

Thanks Sweeney and liverpooljk :)


I check up on this world 1 time a month, and I see this here this time,