Event Feedback - Paladin's Battle Board


Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
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Hey everyone,

Our new event "Paladin's Battle Board (Card Game Event)" will run for the first time on the January 10th on Beta! Be sure to tell us what you think in our feedback topic!

Paladin's Battle Board is a card-like event where you will have the opportunity to play your hand the newest card game that has emerged on the streets, capturing the attention of both common folk and the highest nobles!

Each side receives 5 cards in their hand.

The match finishes when there are 9 cards on the field, here the winner will be the one with the majority of their cards in play.

To do this, you can drag and drop or select and click to place a card on a free tile of the board.

Every card has a number on each edge, as well as a type which is displayed in the top right corner of the card.

Placing a higher numbered attacking card next to the edge of a lower numbered defending card, changes the cards ownership to either blue or red.

There are 4 card types in this game. Bow, Horse, Spear and Paladin. When a card is placed next to another card, and the offensive card counters the other card, the number that is on the counter side doubles in value. The types of counters in the following way: Bow counters Spear, Spear counters Horse and Horse counters Bow. The Paladin counters none and has no counters.

You can also see the counters on the left side of the board.

After completing a match, you will receive Tokens, regardless of if you win or lose. However, winning a match grants you more Tokens. Playing matches also lets you fill your progress bar, where you also receive even more rewards.

The more matches you win, the higher you will place in the rankings, granting you additional Tokens.

Play now and strive to become the most formidable card player to have ever graced this realm. Forge a legendary reputation that even the wisest would envy!



Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score

Dear Players,

A new card game has emerged on the streets, capturing the attention of both common folk and the highest nobles. All who engage are in fierce competition.
In the Paladin's Battle Board event you compete to become the most formidable card player to have ever graced this realm. The event will begin on the 8th February at 14:00 and will finish on the 20th February at 14:00.

The game explained:
  • Each side receives 5 cards in their hand.
  • The match finishes when there are 9 cards on the field, here the winner will be the one with the majority of their cards in play.
  • To do this, you can drag and drop or select and click to place a card on a free tile of the board.
  • Every card has a number on each edge, as well as a type which is displayed in the top right corner of the card.
  • Placing a higher numbered attacking card next to the edge of a lower numbered defending card, changes the cards ownership to either blue or red.
  • There are 4 card types in this game. Bow, Horse, Spear and Paladin. When a card is placed next to another card, and the offensive card counters the other card, the number that is on the counter side doubles in value. The types counter in the following way: Bow counters Spear, Spear counters Horse and Horse counters Bow. The Paladin counters none and has no counters.
  • You can also see the counters on the left side of the board.
  • After completing a match, you will receive Tokens, regardless of if you win or lose. However, winning a match grants you more Tokens. Playing matches also lets you fill your progress bar, where you also receive even more rewards.
  • The more matches you win, the higher you will place in the rankings, granting you additional Tokens.
  • Once you have enough Tokens you can use your Tokens in the event shop to get powerful items.
  • Play now and strive to become the most formidable card player to have ever graced this realm. Forge a legendary reputation that even the wisest would envy.

As always we value and appreciate your feedback!

Good Luck!​


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Some quick facts:

Your cards are like a deck where you have 4 of each unit + 3 knights = 15 in total.

You always get 1 Spear 1 Bow 1 LC and 1 knight + 1 extra random non-knight.

Every 5 boards you clear you get card upgrades for this deck. This is not explained anywhere, but it should work like this.

The units are always in the same order, so Bow left then spear then LC then extra unit then Knight (This is also the case with the opponent!!) so you can sometimes already see that he has used his unit of which he has 2 of them.

Premium price increases from 15 > 16 after 10x purchase. So first buy 9 and then buy 10 for optimal profit.

The reveal and boost you get are never actually worth buying with pp, but the free version is only applied to 1 card at a time and is random, so keep this in mind.

Units that are strong against each other only get that bonus when attacking. (number doubles)

If the power is the same after applying buffs, you do not capture the unit.

Best strat if you're too lazy to calculate every move.

When you start:
Drop your weakest unit in a corner with the weakest sides facing into the field so you can easily recap it.
He immediately takes it away, after which you take it back on the other side and lock it in so that you already have 1 unit.
He will take your unit again after which you can choose which unit you are going to enclose, ideally you calculate in advance which unit you want to keep for the end game.

If all goes well, the board should look like this: 2 enclosed blue units and 1 enclosed red unit with 3 red units that can still be hit on 1 side.
Since you still have 2 turns and he has 1, you will take 2 of them and the last unit you place can never be taken again, so that brings your total to 5.
(I'm not going to make it too long, but you can still optimize some things so that you often win by more than 5)

When he starts:
You basically do the same (the corner you choose must be completely free, so not against one of his units.
However, now you really have to calculate the endgame so that he doesn't win.
Save your knight and boosted cards for the last rounds and try to place units in the mid game that cannot be capped because he no longer has a counter or with your knight for which there are no counters.

Frying Pan Warrior

Still Going Strong
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It's my first time seeing the permanently increase offensive and defensive power items. Now we can pay money to get a permanent attack bonus in our villages?

Frying Pan Warrior

Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Some quick facts:

Your cards are like a deck where you have 4 of each unit + 3 knights = 15 in total.

You always get 1 Spear 1 Bow 1 LC and 1 knight + 1 extra random non-knight.

Every 5 boards you clear you get card upgrades for this deck. This is not explained anywhere, but it should work like this.

The units are always in the same order, so Bow left then spear then LC then extra unit then Knight (This is also the case with the opponent!!) so you can sometimes already see that he has used his unit of which he has 2 of them.

Premium price increases from 15 > 16 after 10x purchase. So first buy 9 and then buy 10 for optimal profit.

The reveal and boost you get are never actually worth buying with pp, but the free version is only applied to 1 card at a time and is random, so keep this in mind.

Units that are strong against each other only get that bonus when attacking. (number doubles)

If the power is the same after applying buffs, you do not capture the unit.

Best strat if you're too lazy to calculate every move.

When you start:
Drop your weakest unit in a corner with the weakest sides facing into the field so you can easily recap it.
He immediately takes it away, after which you take it back on the other side and lock it in so that you already have 1 unit.
He will take your unit again after which you can choose which unit you are going to enclose, ideally you calculate in advance which unit you want to keep for the end game.

If all goes well, the board should look like this: 2 enclosed blue units and 1 enclosed red unit with 3 red units that can still be hit on 1 side.
Since you still have 2 turns and he has 1, you will take 2 of them and the last unit you place can never be taken again, so that brings your total to 5.
(I'm not going to make it too long, but you can still optimize some things so that you often win by more than 5)

When he starts:
You basically do the same (the corner you choose must be completely free, so not against one of his units.
However, now you really have to calculate the endgame so that he doesn't win.
Save your knight and boosted cards for the last rounds and try to place units in the mid game that cannot be capped because he no longer has a counter or with your knight for which there are no counters.

Would my weakest unit be any of these units with the sides circled facing the board?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Let me follow your instructions and add some pictures to your guide.

1. Drop your weakest unit in a corner with the weakest sides facing into the field so you can easily recap it.​

He immediately takes it away​


2. after which you take it back on the other side and lock it in so that you already have 1 unit.​

He will take your unit again​


3. after which you can choose which unit you are going to enclose, ideally you calculate in advance which unit you want to keep for the end game.​

I already failed because she started first before me, and I was following the instructions for I start first. But the goal is, re-capture your unit so it is enclosed by the other cards and can no longer switch sides. Adjacent cards only get captured when you place a card beside.
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Frying Pan Warrior

Still Going Strong
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This quest doesnt do a popup when it's completed so I keep forgetting to get the reward so that the next quest starts.


Comandante Guevara

New Member
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Would my weakest unit be any of these units with the sides circled facing the board?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Let me follow your instructions and add some pictures to your guide.

1. Drop your weakest unit in a corner with the weakest sides facing into the field so you can easily recap it.​

He immediately takes it away​


2. after which you take it back on the other side and lock it in so that you already have 1 unit.​

He will take your unit again​


3. after which you can choose which unit you are going to enclose, ideally you calculate in advance which unit you want to keep for the end game.​

I already failed because she started first before me, and I was following the instructions for I start first. But the goal is, re-capture your unit so it is enclosed by the other cards and can no longer switch sides. Adjacent cards only get captured when you place a card beside.
You deserve one huge THANK YOU! for this manual. I was about 60 % win rate. Now I am 95 %. Almost impossible to lose.