Funny Profiles


Im just randomly looking at tribe profiles to see what there about and see what the n00best profile was i could find and the winner was a tribe called K52 who also have a family tribe called K63 the main thing what pointed out to me was, Diplomacy.. they spelled it wrong and look at the spoiler they are very picky about there diplomacy

Anyone else come accross any funny ones?


From someone's profile:

5 things to do when under attack:

* Upgrade your resource buildings (Timber Camp, Clay Pit, Iron Mine)- you can use them for disguise, since you're troops hide in them and pretend to be workers- and not get attacked.

* Never ask your tribe or your personal allies to help you- you wouldn't want to bring more people into agony.

* Points before troops. When you have more points, you'll intimidate the others around you and hence, you wouldn't have more farmers. (I'll have you alone).

* Use scouts to snipe the nobles, since they're the fastest and they're cheap.

* Don't upgrade your walls. Your troops will be trapped and they'll have nowhere to go.


They're limiting it because they have no more space. :icon_cool: