Happy Holidays W18

jay ba-i

Just wanted to come back to my first world and say hello. Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season. I still hope -MM- drops the family and then steam rolls its way to world dominance. Looks to me as if APOC is pushing slowly but steadily east they seem to have taken over K55. Well good luck everyone have a great holiday season.
Jay BA-I


Hello Jay! Merry Christmas to you and your family :) Mine's already finished but I had a blast! I'm looking forward to the New Year now.. Chat to you soon..


To all players, mim (firstly of course) and all other tribes. (Yes even Apoc). merry xmas, hope ur day with ur family/family's has been awesome.Take care, look after your kids and see you all on the battlefield next season.
Yours truly, yesman the great


That would be a good summary of their activities :lol:
Too bad that you can't have the same holiday spirit as some of your other tribemates. Now quit bringing your drivel into other threads.

To all players, mim (firstly of course) and all other tribes. (Yes even Apoc). merry xmas, hope ur day with ur family/family's has been awesome.Take care, look after your kids and see you all on the battlefield next season.
Yours truly, yesman the great


i actually thought it was quite funny....after all, isnt taking something someoe said out of context and quoting them like the greatest form of humour you can get...

oh and merry xmas everybody!!!!

better late than never


i actually thought it was quite funny....after all, isnt taking something someoe said out of context and quoting them like the greatest form of humour you can get...

oh and merry xmas everybody!!!!

better late than never
@Rudegar, No, Not really.
Merry (late) xmas!!(to keep it on topic)


Yep, bit of a shame really. :icon_cry:

The forums used to be a good part of the W18 experience.


Yep, bit of a shame really. :icon_cry:

The forums used to be a good part of the W18 experience.

good? maybe, but certainly entertaining...some of the old w18 posters are on the uk forums, but its not the same :icon_cry: