

Hello all! I have recently picked up this game, but judging from some of the guides I've read and from the posts in this forum I have come to the conclusion that it is more or less a social game. I may be false in this assumption and don't "flame" me if I am, but I was unsure on how else to "get myself out there" per se to start making friends/team players. It may backfire and it may not, just depends on the community here. Anyway, to the point! I just joined last night and I'm looking for a tribe to join, preferably with intelligent players. I'm a cool guy, easy to get along with, and like to think of myself as above average as far as intellect goes.

I'm not really sure where this goes as far as forum structure, so if I was wrong in posting this here sorry mods and please relocate it to the appropriate section.


In this game you don't make friends, you make acquaintances. As long as you have a definitive goal that is shared among your tribe mates, you'll be fine.


Twitch just little tip - A lot of Tribal wars players use Skype to communicate plus you might want to take a look at some of the guides sections. If you end up getting Skype add me Little-punk123 and ill teach you stuff about tribal wars.


Twitch just little tip - A lot of Tribal wars players use Skype to communicate plus you might want to take a look at some of the guides sections. If you end up getting Skype add me Little-punk123 and ill teach you stuff about tribal wars.
