K54 SERIOUS Players[?]


Hi. I'm sure you see many of these posts a day, so apologies for what must seem yet another attemp to recruit members.....
We in Bizzare are currently recruiting players. We do NOT do mass-recruiting, preferring a small close knit team over points and numbers, so we are very selective over who we send invites to.
You guys on the PF are obviously very active and experienced players.
I will not fire off an invite out of the blue, so if you would like to talk a little more about what we can offer each other, our tribe's history etc, then please get in touch. If, at this point in time, you feel this is not your preferred course of action, then I fully understand.

But if your are interested PM (Personal Mail) me or look my tribe up.
Even if your just want to share your opinion on this post feel free to do so.

ROIz MrMaker


Ranked 326 with only 13 members and ranked 122 ODA. Thats not bad

/stops talking about own tribe


I suggest picking a new continent guys :/...

worlds to far progressed, to many people in tribes, you should think about finding someone to merge into. Just my advice.


Now is one of the best times in my opinion. People will start realizing that the mass recruiting noob tribe they joined in the beginning is terrible and not what they expected, their tribes of great promise that was going to take them far turned out to be noobs and who do they have to turn to? Mass recruiters are near full, most noob tribes are quitting or have 3 members and less than 1k total points. I think the timing is just right.