K62 - The Socialist Tribe (TST)


TST is a tribe that I have been thinking about making for a while. The way it is run is quite new; it is socialist meaning everyone in the tribe is equal. Pretty much that means that you must put the tribe above all else.

I'm looking for serious players that are willing to play like this. Prior war experience is needed as this is also a war tribe. No leadership experience needed as I am the only leader although I don't make any of the decisions. This is also a good chance to gain leadership experience as everyone in the tribe has a role. I'm only recruiting in K62 for now.

-Contrecoup, leader of TST.
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Interesting experiment mate. Doubt it will work, but wish you luck with it anyway... whatever else it won't be any more of a FAIL than some of the other experiments we've played with before.


You interested anach? It'd be extremely helpful to have you aboard.