
Since my reply was not here I will state it again.

You want to rip Randora for losing 22 villages? From your count as well as twstats whoever is on the account has now been fighting 16 players. The ODD started to rise over a week ago according to the stats and all you have taken is 16 villages and in K32 where you surround him.

I think that speaks volumes alone about not only your ability but the others as well.

HAHA well its funny you mention that because I myself have incomings from atleast 10 dos x members and they have a big huge 0 caps on me so what does that say about them??

Also all the players you listed are not attacking Randora lol atleast we have caps and have pretty much cleared everyone of his vills in k22 and k32 and jamesthe1v as well. Not to mention actively attacking other members of dos x as well.

Randora will be gone from k32 and 22 very soon .. But us garbage players arnt going anywhere :)

You def are not in lycans you may be able to fool some people but you are not fooling me but you are quite amusing to say the least


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and for the record CHIN had NOTHING to do with rabid being booted you would know that if you were a real LYCAN.
Not what I heard from a "real LYCAN." :p

Dragu this is only a game. I don't hold grudges against anyone. I don't have the time to dedicate to the game. I am here for the social aspect of it. I have met a lot of people and feel lucky to have known a lot of people who I talk to on a regular basis. I spend more time chatting than I do in game. LYCANS might be far from over but I am not far from over. I don't have the D and in my location I am in trouble. That is OK though. I can always restart.
This sounds like me. Maybe I'm Joe. :icon_redface: