Love in 32 Characters of Less

dslip au

So, One of my local farms decided to block me via in game mail, whilst getting his tribe to defend his honor. So, in my defiance of his rejection I decided to create my own in game version of twitter by using my village name to send messages *hence the 32 characters of less*, and then farm started doing the same (there is a smart idea's for the Developers there!).

So, heres my little back and forth, entertaining to me.

Anyone else got similar they can share ? *I know close to funny in game mails*

me: Leadership Failure KILLZ
farm: DSLIP - Shutup already LOL
me:better than TWITTER
farm: True dat
me:and YOU blocked me!
me:how does it feel to lose 50:1
farm: Ask your 1500 axemen lol
me:nearly rebuilt em, what about u
farm: Oh Im just peachy
me:so that is a no, lol
farm: Jump lil frog!
me:wondered when anxiety set in
farm: Hold me?
me:put some perfume on first
farm: Romance- Ralph Lauren
me:cos i like my B* to smell pretty


No we're just lazy.

If someone blocks me i really don't care.


I have one that reads: DrRockzo is a TWAA(T)

I've only nobled 2 of his 3 villages and he still can't get my name right :lol:


lol Dslip AU u crack me up some times ill give u a few mor suggestions on skype :D