Duplicate Make it possible to sort troops in the "troops-rally point" tab


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I want to be able to sort troops in the rally point (support in the village) under the troops tab, so you can find/send back support from the closest/farthest away villas or find and send back all the ones with hc or smth else, much quicker and not manually having to go through the whole list.

It's frustrating, bcs this feature already exist everywhere else, so it makes no sense that it doesn't exist there too.


Additional info:

For example, you can go to the mass support tab and then click the distance tab, it will sort it in order based on distance, then if u click again it sort it from farthest away first isntead. You are able to do the same if you go to the "combined overview". Click on axes and it will give u the villas with the biggest amount first, click it again and it vill sort it based on the villas with the least amount of axes in them.

Here is how the mass support tab looks like if you sort by distance for example: 1658070965471.png

So what I want is just to add that feature that already exist everywhere else (pretty much) to the "troops tab" in the rally point too. And if it doesn't exist in other places too, maybe add it there too just for consistency and as a quality of life update.

The village overview, where u are able to send back support could be such a case:
